the directions
s equivalent to
1e first piece of
ch concerns the
n the constant
becomes UM,
== M; (8)
e measurement
id points.
; invariant , and
ation is
this together in
n a sequence of
1e situation is
section 3 except
squations (6) —
a segment S
with covariance
| estimate of its
it matrix. If we
we assume that
S is not moving
ith segment at
‚we consider the
t matrix
can compute the
where each partial derivative is evaluated at
(rhs bo). We then compute the Mahalanobis
di = fáGS,bT CAT MG b
for all segments in the 3-D frame at time |.
Those segments with distances smaller than a
fixed threshold are kept as matches.
Each match defines a token, and we
update the state as follows:
ai zm bod Ki(zi — Hip)
in which
_ art
Hy = 2: 5500)
= M HY (HM HT + By)
The whight on a} is the matrix Pj= (Mo
4. 2 Continuous processing
Just as in the two-dimensional case ,we do the
reasoning at time 2, but the generalization to
an arbitrary stage follows. Let S be a token at
time 1 represented by (7r,, C1) with state dy
and with weight P, We make a prediction by
computing the state ay =o, qas and its weight
P,. We then determine the candidate
segments at time 2. If S; is the ith segment at
time 2 represented by (75,C5) ,we consider the
"possible" measurement equations
where zi-[rf,r? |" has weight matrix
: CO
Ri = i
Q ci
and a; has weight matrix P,' Just as in the
previous section, we select matches based on
the Mahalanobis distance and update the
state. We have
di — aj -- Ki — Hia!)
in which
Hi == Ph ata)
The weight of the new state aj is the matrix
PizPac KU.
The problem of tracking tokens in sequences
of images or in sequences of stereo frames has
received considerable attention in the last few
years,and the use of the Kalman or extended
Kalman filters or equivalently of recursive
least-squares estimation theory has now
become standard. The applications of these
methods to the 2D-2D and 3D-3D tracking
problems described in sections 3 and 4 have
not been as numerous as their applications to
the 2D-3D tracking problem in which the
observations are made in the image and the
tracking is done in three dimensions.
H. Shariat and K. E. Price. Motion estimation
with more than two frames. IEEE Trans.
PAMI;12(5);417— 434,May 1990.
Z. Zhang. Motion Analysis. from a Sequence of
Stereo Frames and Its Applications. Ph. D.
thesis ,1990.
Z. Zhang and O. D. Faugeras. 3D Dynamic
Scene Analysis: A Stereo Based Approach.
Springer-Verlag, 1992.