Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

, 9-77 Nov. 1999 
ful for examining laser 
mple around buildings. 
> the surface within the 
into the interaction of 
Waveform analysis as a 
uch as material, rough- 
)enefit greatly from this 
ilyzing surfaces around 
s. This information is 
rocessed by NASA Wal- 
interesting modification 
tting a human measure 
ints and surface, we use 
tiques. If the laser point 
en its backprojected po- 
.. We can check by com- 
nd the conjugate points 
« (1999b)). The match- 
ked in this fashion area 
er points agree with the 
a set over the building 
aspects. First we briefly 
aser points with the data 
1etry. We then analyze 
] present results. 
rammetry data sets de- 
e no identical points and 
yrmed with interpolated 
ctive view of the model 
Since the building was 
breaklines, it is no sur- 
Fig. 5(a) looks more re- 
ted from the irregularly 
uilding model. The left im- 
photogrammetrically mea- 
N model of the laser points. 
rior because twice as many 
ng outline (breakline) was 
two data sets was per- 
cal differences between 
nodel to the correspond- 
cludes interpolation and 
rpolation errors. These 
ly near breaklines. Not 
dard deviation of +1.08 
jer than what one would 
nstrates the inability of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
this popular comparison method to express a meaning- 
ful point accuracy, except for smooth surfaces. 
The second test with the same data was concerned 
with assessing the accuracy of derived features. Sur- 
face properties such as breaklines and smooth surface 
patches are obtained by segmentation (Csathó et al. 
(1999). Segmenting the surface points in the build- 
ing area should result in planar surfaces and break- 
lines. Our simple segmentation method proceeds in two 
steps; first, the points are grouped into potential surface 
patches, postulating a surface hypothesis. The second 
step is concerned with verifying the hypothesis by fitting 
a plane through the points. The deviations of the points 
to the plane serve as a validity measure for accepting or 
rejecting the plane hypothesis. The validity is not a fixed 
threshold value; domain knowledge about expected sur- 
face roughness (e.g. man-made objects vs. vegetated 
areas) and a priori error estimates of the surface points 
influence the acceptance criteria. The results of surface 
segmentation, together with other information, are fur- 
ther analyzed in an object recognition system. 
The final result of the grouping process in the building 
area divides the points into potential roof points and 
non-roof points. This is achieved by analyzing the el- 
evations of points, similarly to histogram thresholding, 
except that the spatial distribution of roof point candi- 
dates is taken into account. This reduces the chance that 
points on trees or other objects of similar height may 
accidentally be labeled as roof points. Fig. 6(a) shows 
a histogram of the laser point elevations. All the points 
clustered within -35 m to -37 m satisfied the spatial ex- 
tent criteria and subsequently entered the second phase. 
Fig. 6(b) depicts the spatial distribution of the labeled 
points; large dots symbolize roof points. 
The roof points enter a planar surface adjustment. The 
three parameters a, b,c of the equation 
Z-a x+b-y+c (2) 
are determined in a least-squares adjustment which is 
based on the simplified error model that random errors 
occur only in z while x and y are considered as con- 
stants (Schenk (2000a)). The standard deviation of the 
adjustment is a good measure of how well the points lie 
on a plane. One out of 94 laser points was identified as a 
blunder and removed from the adjustment. An analysis 
of the blunder revealed that the point was on a chim- 
ney and not on the roof surface. The resulting standard 
deviation of the plane adjustment was of = +5.7cm. 
Considering the large redundancy, the error measure is 
quite reliable. It confirms the high (internal) accuracy of 
laser ranging. One may even argue that part of the stan- 
dard deviation is due to the non-flatness of the roof. 
We have repeated the same experiment with the man- 
ually measured DEM. Out of 265 roof points, the ad- 
justment procedure eliminated six points as blunders. 
These points were measured on small objects on the 
roof, such as chimneys and vents. The resulting stan- 
dard deviation of = «6.2 cm is nearly identical to the 
one obtained from the laser points. However, it is higher 
than the expected value of 3cm, obtained with Eq. 1. 
150 4 
& 1007 
em 50 pt 
0 I 1 1 
-40 -30 -20 
z-coordinate [m] 
ce s o . 
"e KA Dan . 
ove * oe C 
: $1°°% te, ons. 
Se A “ee 
Figure 6: The laser point elevations are represented as a 
histogram (a). The two peaks are related to roof points and 
ground points. An extended histogram thresholding (see text) 
leads to the grouping depicted in (b). Solid dots label roof 
Again, the larger value may well be caused by the non- 
flatness of the roof. 
3.4 Segmentation Experiments in Residential Area 
The residential area, highlighted in the right part of 
Fig. 3, poses new problems for the segmentation. The 
procedure described in the previous section must be 
modified. Not only are the buildings much smaller but 
the roofs have a more complicated structure, consist- 
ing of several roof planes with surface normals pointing 
in different directions. Objects near buildings, such as 
shrubs and trees may have similar heights, challenging 
the separation of roof points by histogram thresholding. 
To cope with this situation, we have modified the seg- 
mentation approach that consists now of the following 
four major tasks: 
hump detection is a rough analysis of the entire project 
area with the purpose of identifying local areas 
that contain objects of certain vertical dimension. 
We skip the details here and refer the interested 
reader to Wang (1999). 
grouping generates hypotheses of roof points belong- 
ing to one roof plane. Grouping is a local process, 
confined to the regions identified by humps de- 
tection. Planes are found by a Hough transform 
plane fitting is performed by a robust adjustment, tak-

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