Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

ing all the points the grouping process identified 
as candidates for planar surface patches. 
plane analysis examines the planar surface patches, 
detects regularities, intersects roof planes and an- 
alyzes the resulting roof edges. 
Fig. 7 shows a perspective view of the detected humps, 
obtained from the DEM. In the interest of brevity we con- 
centrate on one hump only, located in the lower left cor- 
ner of Fig. 7. 
Figure 7: Perspective view of the residential area, indicating 
the humps detected. The segmentation results of the hump in 
the lower left corner are presented in this section. 
In the case of non horizontal roofs, grouping by his- 
togram thresholding does not work anymore. Since the 
roof points have all different elevations, no peak ap- 
pears. Also the spatial context is lost in a histogram 
which makes it impossible to distinguish points that be- 
long to different surfaces of similar elevation extent. In 
short, we need another approach. 
We employ the Hough technique to find planar surface 
patches within the humps. As described in detail in 
Schenk (2000b), a parameter space with a,b,c, the 
three parameters of the plane equation Eq. 2, is gen- 
erated. A closer examination of this equation reveals 
that switching from the original to the parameter rep- 
resentation simply changes the role of variables and pa- 
rameters. Suppose a, b,c are now variables; then x, y,z 
become coefficients, but the equation is still defining a 
plane. Let us pick a point P in the spatial domain. A 
plane passing through P = Exp. Ve. Zp 1° is defined by 
its three parameters—hence it corresponds to the point 
[Xp, Yp,Zp]! in the parameter space. A second plane 
through P creates another point in the parameter space, 
and so on. Where are all the points, generated by all 
planes passing through P? They are related by Eq. 2, 
that is, they define a plane. We have identified the du- 
ality of point to plane relationship between spatial and 
parameter domain. 
The following steps find planes that pass through sur- 
face points: 
1. Pick a point P; from the hump region. 
2. Point P; defines a plane in the parameter space. 
Increment all cells in the discrete parameter space 
(accumulator array) that are on this plane. 
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 until all points are processed. 
4. Analyze the accumulator array. Clusters identify 
planes; the total number of entries in one cluster 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
corresponds to the number of points that lie on 
this particular plane. The spread of the cluster is 
a quality measure for how well the plane fits the 
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Figure 8: The laser point elevations are grouped into three 
planar surface patches. Solid circles and solid squares identify 
points that are likely to belong to a roof plane. The crosses 
are points on the ground that may lie on a horizontal surface. 
Grouping did not classify the points depicted as triangles. 
Fig. 8 depicts the result of finding planes within the se- 
lected hump region. Solid circles and solid triangles la- 
bel candidate points for two different roof planes; circles 
refer to ground points that are likely to be on a horizon- 
tal surface; crosses mark unclassified points. The final 
plane parameters are determined by a least-squares ad- 
justment. Table 1 summarizes the results for the three 
planes, using the laser points and the DEM points. The 
standard deviation for the two roof planes is very simi- 
lar to the result obtained from the building analyzed in 
the previous section. It confirms again the high ranging 
accuracy of the laser points. The standard deviation for 
the ground points is considerably higher simply because 
Table 1: Re: 
# pts. 
o [m] 
# pts. 
o [m] 
Table 2: Re 
azimuth [© 
zenith [9] 
the physical surfac 
indicating the rouc 
The relatively larg 
surfaces computec 
sight. Since the DE 
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fact, the values in 
expect from this n 
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ment concerns the 
computed by inter 
ridge vector is dir 
eters. As shown ir 
nents can be used 
line, for example k 
The azimuth defin 
ordinate plane, w 
one of the other tv 
The ridge was com 
data set and from 
ments. The edge \ 
alytical plotter. Ta 
ing the angles (azi 
building size of 1 
gle resulting from 
an almost horizon 
tions of the three 
edge was chosen v 
ering the small az 
expressed by the 
(see Fig. 9). 
The numbers in T. 
by intersecting tl 
fairly close agree 
Note that a smal

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