Within the past
applications as
one may expect
imagery as it bec
There are now a
associated cost
mapping produc
increasing detail
DEMS at increas
or lidar and (3) i
In this paper we
and interferomet
Intermap Techn
for several hund
over smaller are:
In this paper, tt
application areas
areas, and (iii) f
are treated as tru
‘noise floor’ at t
performance is 1
coverage is requ
than competitive
Digital Elevati
increasingly at ;
range of applic:
technology, tenc
— that is, wit
introduction of
sensors (specifi
hand, and scant
recent years, ex
DEMS can be cc
Radar is able tc
day/night, clou
positively impa
DEMs. Interf:
much attention
improve the lev
DEMs. Since e
have been acqu