International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999
Unit Price
. s10
DEM Cost vs Vertical Accuracy
Vertical Accuracy (m) RMS
Increasing Detail —» _U
fez en)
Figure 2: Relative Unit Costs for various DEM extraction methods
This table illustrates the relationship between cost to the
user and the spatial ‘detail’ provided by the particular
technology. In this instance, vertical accuracy is used as
the metric for detail although more correctly, one should
use a three-dimensional metric that incorporates sample
spacing or posting as well as vertical accuracy. Also
shown for comparative purposes are DEM prices derived
from a number of other sensors, including: (i) Radarsat
and SPOT stereo at a lower level of accuracy but lower
price and (ii) aerial photography which is competitive
with laser-derived DEMs. Unit prices reflect many
factors including size, complexity, location and other
project specifics, so this table is rather general. However,
the trend shows that interferometric SAR provides a
price advantage of 3 to 10 times that of laser-derived
DEMS on a price per unit area basis. This table does not
address minimum project areas or mobilization charges
which tend to be related to geographic location specifics.
Moreover, it reflects current pricing structure which is
likely to change over time.
The ‘Global Terrain’ prices are noted to be lower than
project-specific prices, reflecting a ‘data warehouse’
approach that was initiated two years ago by Intermap.
The concept, similar to that widely practiced for satellite
imagery, is to license DEM data to the user, hopefully to
re-sell multiple times. While this reduces the price for
the user, its utility is subject to there being data available
in the database for the particular user area of interest.
6.1 Red-River, North Dakota
The project area was near the Pembina river, a tributary
of the Red River which has a history of flooding in the
US and Canadian portions of the flood plain. An area of
about 4,000 km? was acquired by the STAR-3i system on
or about November 3, 1998. Within this larger area, a
subset of laser data were acquired by EarthData on
October 27, 1998 and made available to Intermap for
analysis. Both data sets were referenced to WGS-84
horizontally and the NAVDSS geoid vertically. The
STAR-3i data were posted at 5 meters while the laser
data were received as 3 meter ArcGrid files. The
vegetation had been removed from the laser DEM by
EarthData, so the data received was in the form of a bald
earth DEM. All data (in this and the following
examples) were analyzed using a commercial software
package (Vertical Mapper from Northwood Geosciences,
Ottawa) which is very convenient for doing comparative
analysis. The particular area subset for this example is
centered on (N 48° 38°25", W 979 27 53"). An
overview of the laser DEM (Figure 3) shows the
overlapping area, the flight lines and the window within
which the following figures are located.
The sub-areas of Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6 are co-
registered and have identical color table representations.
They depict, respectively, the laser DEM, the radar DEM
and the difference surface (radar minus laser) on a 3
meter grid.
Figure 3: Lase
study area
The laser DEM
the radar has |
includes the ve,
The light brow:
terrain excursio
irrespective of h
Three rectangle:
derived (refer tc
earth areas. Th
individual DEN
surface with no
the difference su
and offset diffe
majority of the
radar, then the
surface represer
STAR-3i under
Figure 4: Las
text. Note boxe
Independently o
check points we:
the larger area |
km? laser area)
US Army Top
mean difference
about 10 cm ove
deviation of 69
addition of wid
upon the STAR-
It should be note
was subject to
systematic ripple