Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

/ Nov. 1999 
ig point and whose 
irection of the laser 
urface is expressed 
th 7 the measured 
ser coordinate sys- 
stem for transform- 
changes with every 
orm it into the laser 
z. Its origin is also 
ntation depends on 
, in nutating mirror 
ear with the rotation 
starting position of 
canning system, the 
1e scan plane with z 
system to the refer- 
e rotation matrix R; 
ad. R; is determined 
‘a profiler, R; is the 
am, the rotation ma- 
; two angles are nec- 
g mirror system. Let 
lual laser beam with 
| interior orientation 
ser system to the ob- 
s required. Thus, we 
of the laser footprint 
ositional and Re the 
| exterior orientation 
nents are usually ob- 
urements. We omit 
relationship between 
nd the laser system 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-17 Nov. 1999 
for it does not offer new insight into the comparison 
laser/photogrammetry reconstruction. 
Eq. 1 expresses the basic reconstruction principle for 
laser systems. Note that there is no redundant infor- 
mation for p; if the range or the orientation is wrong 
we will find out—if at all—only later by analyzing local 
properties of the reconstructed surface. 
We now turn to the reconstruction of surfaces by pho- 
togrammetry. Fig. 2 illustrates the concept. To compare 
it as closely as possible to the case just discussed, let us 
begin with a local image coordinate system (x’, y’, z’) 
that has its origin at the perspective center. Its z' —axis is 
collinear to the light ray from the surface point P through 
the perspective center. In this system, point P on the 
surface is simply obtained by 
r = Ad (2) 
with d = [0,0,d]" the point vector of image P in the 
local image coordinate system; À is a scale factor. Since 
À is unknown, it is not possible to determine P from a 
single image. The standard photogrammetric procedure 
is to perform the reconstruction from multiple images. 
Figure 2: Relationship of local image coordinate systems 
and object space reference system for reconstructing 
surfaces from images. 
As discussed in the case of the laser system, the local co- 
ordinate system changes from point to point. Let us in- 
troduce a reference system, known as image or photo co- 
ordinate system. The origin is the same, but the z—axis 
is collinear with the camera axis. The transformation 
from the local ray system to the reference system is ob- 
tained by the rotation matrix R; which is defined by the 
spatial direction of the image vectorr = [x, y, — f]! . In- 
troducing the exterior orientation (c, R,), we find for the 
reconstruction of P 
p = c + AR R;d (3) 
This equation is identical to Eq. 1, except for the un- 
known scale factor A. The reconstruction from pho- 
togrammetry requires two or more images. This is 
clearly a disadvantage compared to ALR, because work- 
ing with multiple images requires that object point P 
is identified on all images involved. This task—known 
as image matching—is not trivial if performed automat- 
ically. On the other hand, the reconstruction is redun- 
dant; each additional image increases the redundancy 
by two. 
To complete the comparison of determining surface 
points by ALR or photogrammetry, let us briefly discuss 
how the exterior orientation is obtained. In photogram- 
metry, two possibilities exist. In the case of direct orien- 
tation, the relevant parameters are derived from GPS/INS 
observations, just as in ALR systems. The traditional 
approach, however, is to compute the orientation pa- 
rameters from known features in object space, such as 
control points. There are two important differences be- 
tween these approaches. If the exterior orientation is 
computed from control points then the reconstruction 
of new points in the object space becomes essentially an 
interpolation problem. In the case of direct orientation 
(no control points in object space), the reconstruction re- 
sembles extrapolation. Why is this important? Extrapo- 
lation has a much worse error propagation than interpo- 
lation. Another subtle difference is related to the interior 
orientation, here symbolically expressed by R;. Schenk 
(1999) points out that errors in the interior orientation 
are partially compensated in the indirect orientation, but 
fully affect the reconstruction in the direct orientation. 
3 Analysis of Systematic Errors 
As discussed in the previous section, the computation 
of 3-D positions from range measurement and GPS/INS 
observations is not redundant. If one of the variables in 
Eq. 1 is wrong we will not find out, except perhaps later 
when analyzing the data. Thus, it is important to con- 
sider the effect of systematic errors of a ALR system on 
the reconstructed surface—the purpose of this section. 
As illustrated in Fig. 3, we assume two systematic errors; 
a positional error q and an attitude error, expressed by 
the two angles w and @ which determine the rotation 
matrix R4. Although this is a grossly simplified view it 
captures the notion of reconstruction errors. A likely 
source for a systematic positional error is rooted in the 
problem of accurately synchronizing the GPS clock with 
laser pulse generator. How significant is this error? Sup- 
pose an average velocity of the airplane of 100 m/sec 
and a timing error of 5 msec. Then, the resulting posi- 
tional error would be half a meter—clearly something to 
worry about for low altitude, high precision laser altime- 
try projects. A typical example of a systematic angular 
error is the mounting bias. 
The airplane and the laser footprint in point A of Fig. 3 il- 
lustrate the data acquisition. The reconstruction of point 
A is affected by the angular error a and the positional er- 
ror q. Thus, the total reconstruction error is 
= q+a=q+Ryr (5) 
With Eq. 1 we obtain for the reconstructed point C

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