data which is a regular grid interpolated from the point data.
Problems such as mixed pixel effects caused by the grid
interpolation can reduce the amount of information that can be
extracted from the data (Axelsson, 1999).
This paper uses a 2m resolution gridded laser scanner data set
which represents the terrain, vegetation and buildings as a
Digital Surface Model. The grid was produced by interpolation
of the raw point data which was created by an Optech Airborne
Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) 1020 LIght Detection And
Ranging (LIDAR) sensor. The sensor scans the surface with a
2.5m point spacing. The point spacing and resolution is much
lower than that used by Maas and Vosselmann (1999), and is
more representative of the majority of LIDAR data sets which
can have point densities of up to one point per 10m°. If roof
detail can be extracted from the 2m resolution data, it suggests
that the majority of laser scanner systems with relatively low
resolution data sets may be able to satisfy the demand for roof
detail for 3D city models. This would benefit laser scanner
users who cannot afford or find high resolution laser scanner
data for their applications.
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether or not any
meaningful roof detail can be extracted from the test LIDAR
data set.
The roof detail will be extracted from the LIDAR data by
processing elevation and derived slope and aspect parameters
using ARC/INFO GIS software. Algorithms will be developed
within ARC/INFO that will manipulate the parameters to
extract the maximum amount of roof detail. Each parameter
will be assessed for its performance alongside the other
parameters. Ordnance Survey 2D vector building outlines will
be used to isolate the LIDAR building data so that the
Figure 1 LIDAR representation of industrial area with
vector building boundaries (boundaries reproduced
from Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of
The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
Crown Copyright. ED 273554).
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999
methodology can concentrate on roof detail extraction rather
than building recognition. The extraction results will be
compared with the actual roof structures observed in the field.
Two study areas were chosen that represented alternative
building scenarios. An industrial area was chosen because of its
high number of large, simple roofed buildings. If the LIDAR
data is to derive accurate roof detail for buildings then it will
most likely be from these. Figure 1 shows the industrial area as
the LIDAR sensor captured it with building outlines added for
extra clarity. An example photograph of the industrial area is
given in Figure 2. It shows the dominant roof structure for this
area which is a two segment roof split by a central ridge
running parallel to the building's long axis.
A residential area was chosen to represent a more challenging
task for the LIDAR data. The buildings in this area (Figure 3)
are smaller with more complex roof structures than the
industrial area buildings. There is also non-building noise from
objects such as trees, cars and hedges (Figure 4).
To assess the performance of the LIDAR data parameters for
extracting roof detail, a field survey was undertaken to create a
control data set of all roof structures. These were then
compared qualitatively to the LIDAR algorithm results using
various comparative statistics.
3.1 Error Assessment
Before the algorithms were tested, an error assessment of the
LIDAR and vector buildings was carried out. This was to
ensure that any results were put into context with any inherent
inaccuracies in the data sets.
Figure 2 Example of industrial area buildings.
Figure 3 LIDAR
vector building bo
Ordnance Survey
Controller of He
Figure 4 Exan
A quantitative asses:
made by comparing |
spot heights from a
(RMSE) was derived
vertical error (Jaafar
accuracy of the LIDA
the author's own obse
The planimetric acc
extracted from the dat
3.2 Survey Methode
The survey data set i
for every building in
of each building wa
including dormers an
à 1:1250 building ma