Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
Percentage Derived/ 
Actual Ridges 
trial Residential Industrial 
42 33.33 85.71 
42 24.51 52.38 
42 13.24 42.86 
'orithm derived ridges for each 
o actual ridges. 
rived Percentage of Derived 
ber of Ridges that Exactly Match 
es Actual Ridges 
ustrial Residential Industrial 
8/36 51.47 77.78 
2/22 92.16 100 
8/19 100.00 94.74 
ly matched derived ridges to total 
derived ridges. 
ve parameter at ridge extraction 
/est 2596 of slope values and top 
found to be the most effective in 
ures 6a-e illustrate how each 
mple building from the LIDAR 
visualisation of a large; simple 
ias two main roof sections, one 
ions are made up of two roof 
1tral ridge. 
hown in Figure 6b. The two roof 
with a definite grey scale break 
Figure 6b.i). Both segments do 
these are removed during the 
rithm which groups all pixels 
f segment. The extracted lines 
shown in Figure 6b.ii. The main 
on both levels of the building. 
marks the boundary between the 
or lines can also be seen. These 
- sensor picking up the vertical 
e them as sloping roof segments 
ffect can be partly attributed to 
\R sensor distorting the building 
algorithms, a certain range of 
ed for each building to represent 
rom the aspect algorithm which 
roof segments before the ridge 
neter manages to avoid the noisy 
pe values are high in those areas 
; were queried in the algorithm. 
entation of both main ridges. 
avoids the noisy building edge 
ven less useful than the slope 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
algorithm as it only manages to identify one of the two main 
ridges present on the roof. This is because the ridge to the right 
hand side is lower than the left hand one. The elevation 
algorithm extracts higher elevation values to represent the roof 
ridge, and therefore any lower ridges are omitted. This is not 
necessarily a problem in the residential areas where it is 
common for only one main ridge to be present, but in industrial 
areas multiple ridge buildings are much more widespread. 
a. 3D Building Visualisation 
b.ii. Aspect results 
c.ii. Slope results 
b.i. Aspect values 
c.i. Slope values 
d.ii. Elevation results 
d.i. Elevation values 
e. Edited Aspect results 
Figure 6 Roof ridge extraction results for an industrial 
Figure 6e is the aspect parameter results after the final 
processing stage, with the extracted ridges having been 
removed manually if erroneous, and the correctly defined 
ridges extended where possible to the original building 
structure. Error ridges could be removed automatically by 
using the slope parameter to eliminate the steep wall pixels that 
seem to cause the error ridge problem. 
Although the aspect parameter recognises the highest number 
of roof ridges compared to slope and elevation, the number of 
exact matches is lower than the other two parameters which 
have near perfect records (Table 2). This is probably due to the 
greater exploratory nature of the aspect algorithm. A trade off 
is made between the tidier slope and elevation parameters that 
are more likely to define a ridge in its exact position compared 
to the aspect parameter that produces more error ridges, but 
provides a more comprehensive absolute coverage of main 
building ridges. The aspect parameter should still be preferred 
regardless of the accuracy with which roof ridges are 
represented because of its higher performance at ridge 
4.2 Site Comparison 
The algorithm comparison provided an insight into which 
derived parameters from the LIDAR data could be used to 
extract roof detail. A comparison of the industrial and 
residential area results in Table 1 and Table 2 highlight 
properties of the LIDAR data that may affect the effectiveness 
of the elevation, slope and aspect parameters at roof ridge 
The percentage values for derived ridges to actual ridges are 
much higher in the industrial area compared to the residential 
area (Table 1). The large buildings and simple roof structures 
are largely responsible for this high rate of extraction success. 
The LIDAR data set used in this paper has a grid resolution of 
2m. For residential buildings this can cause problems, because 
the pixel size is too large to adequately represent the 
complicated variations in roof structure that residential 
buildings generally display. Dormers, chimneys, television 
aerials and other roof objects can all contribute to the 
scrambling of roof ridge information held by the pixels. 
Chimneys and other extrusions were also present on some of 
the industrial building roofs but are small in comparison to the 
roof size. They did not therefore affect the roof ridge extraction 
to the same extent as in the residential area. 
Another key difference between the two areas was the amount 
of noise from objects surrounding the buildings. In the 
residential area, neighbouring houses, trees, cars, hedges and 
fences are often positioned close to a building. Information 
from these features can mix with the building data as a result of 
the interpolation of the LIDAR point data to a grid. This makes 
the extraction of roof detail much harder. Mixed pixel effects 
are not as prolific in the industrial area especially since 
neighbouring buildings are positioned some distance from each 
other, and most other objects are small in comparison to the 
building itself. 
Ground information can contribute to mixed pixel effects and is 
a common problem for both areas. This results in building edge 
information being smoothed. For small buildings ground 
information can penetrate all the way into the central building 
pixels and affect the extraction of roof ridges. 
4.3 Other Influences on Results 
Mention has already been made of the effect of the LIDAR 
data’s grid resolution and mixed pixel effects on the results. 
Other factors have also influenced the results in Table 1 and 
Table 2. For this paper, the vertical accuracy of the LIDAR 
data was found to have an RMSE value of about +/-0.3m. This 

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