Within this article a
provided from a 2D
for a fully automatic
and for a semi-auto
aerial images onto tk
One of the main tas
capture for the gene:
world. A great ir
geographic data bas
of the World Wide
also resulted in a wi
description of 3D :
Language (VRML
availability of VR
feasible for each star
which are based on
worlds will increa:
tourism informatior
visitor to plan trips
virtual reality techr
integrated in order t
surrounding in a vir
power of personal «
personal navigation ;
only overlaid to a 2I
in a 3D virtual mode
All these applicatio
production of virtual
availability of tools
of these tools has k
activities and has |
automatic approache
Even though fully
successfully for a nu
agreed that their em
not be expected i
research and devel
automatic procedur
integration of multi
different and. comm
approach an autom
generation is enabk
Models (DSM), whi
laser scanning with a