Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

the buildings usually terrestrial imagery is applied. In principle, 
also for this type of imagery the exterior orientation of the 
camera be determined in order to extract the corresponding 
image patches of the visible surfaces. Usually a more straight 
forward procedure is applied. The corner points of a facade are 
Figure 8: Visualization of reconstructed buildings with aerial image overlaid 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Hemote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
measured manually, the corresponding image section 
representing a planar building face is rectified applying a 
projective transformation and mapped to the corresponding 
building face. An exemplary result of this process is visualized 
in Figure 9. 
Figure 9: Visualizati 
Up to now airborne | 
geometric informatioi 
image texture was ex 
Alternatively, the aer 
data acquisition. Thi: 
sensor - an airborne 
required geometric ai 
application of aerial 
hindered by the prc 
occlusions and height 
built-up areas. These 
certain extend if the ; 
large scale by a norm: 
Figure 10: D

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