Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

nd the elevation change is 
dian and other Arctic ice caps 
e these ice masses are likely to 
nte changes. Although their 
ar less than that of Greenland 
) respond to climate changes 
heets; thus in some ways these 
ice sheet may be more of an 
their behavior in response to 
es about the future of the 
Greenland missions, airborne 
nade of ice caps on Baffin, 
, and Meighen islands, as well 
The Canadian survey lines are 
irveys have provided valuable 
of the ice caps, their greatest 
repeat surveys for elevation 
> planned for May of 2000. 
95 survey lines over several 
vill be re-surveyed during the 
oses of measuring elevation 
icate the locations of coastal 
dots indicate the location of 
Such elevation surveys will provide the most direct large-scale 
means of examining the state of balance of these caps. Unlike 
mountain glaciers, whose variations are often manifested in the 
advance and retreat of their termini, significant changes in ice 
caps can occur with little indication along the perimeter. This 
research is intended to detect and quantify any such changes, 
and to do so in the context of the local climate. Initial results 
from the Greenland measurements (Krabill et al., 1999) show 
the most dramatic changes near the ice sheet edges, while the 
more central regions show far more subtle changes. These 
Greenland results underscore the importance of understanding 
the current behavior of the surrounding temperate ice caps. 
Meaningful interpretation of the observations, however requires 
an understanding of the climate conditions in the region. Much 
of this information is available from coastal weather station 
data from the last 20 years from approximately 40 coastal 
weather stations in the region. However, a more complete 
interpretation requires some detailed knowledge of the in situ 
temperature, accumulation, and mass balance history. An 
understanding of the variability of these parameters over time, 
and the degree to which they are (or are not) anomalous during 
the time period that separates the repeat surveys is essential to 
assessing the significance of observed elevation changes, and 
understanding their causes. 
Toward that end, collaborations have been established with 
various Canadian  glaciologists, who have a fairly 
comprehensive set of relevant in situ observations spanning the 
last 40 years in some cases. These data sets and their intended 
uses are as follows: 
Ice core data from 6 ice caps will provide long records of the 
accumulation history (mass input) and its variability over time 
for six major ice caps. Van der Veen (1993) has shown that the 
statistical significance of observed elevation changes made 
from repeat measurements separated by a time of n years is 
given as: 
1 Ay n 
P(A - —[1- —,|— 
(A1) 31 eg e en (1) 
where P(A,) is the probability that the observed changes in 
surface elevation are attributable to fluctuations in 
accumulation is greater than A, and c. is the standard deviation 
of accumulation. Using this relationship, data from these ice 
cores will be used to assess the statistical significance of the 
observed elevation changes. Moreover, the data will be used to 
assess the degree to which the accumulation during the 1995- 
2000 survey period has been anomalous. 
Up to 40 years of mass balance measurements will provide 
information on the recent mass balance history and its 
variability over time. As with the ice cores, but on larger 
spatial scales, this information will be used to assess the 
statistical significance of the observed elevation changes and 
the anomalous nature of the 1995-2000 survey period, by 
adapting Equation (1) to account for mass balance rather than 
Automatic weather station observations from 12 stations will 
provide a recent temperature history in different ice cap zones, 
which can be used to approximate ablation through degree-day 
analyses. These data will also be used to assess the 1995-2000 
climate characteristics for interpretation of the elevation 
changes and the role of ablation in these changes. In addition, 
the accumulation sensors mounted on nearly all of the stations 
will complement the ice core accumulation data. 
Detailed elevation maps of White and Thompson Glaciers, 
developed from survey data in 1960 (Cogley et aL, 1996). Will 
be compared to laser altimetry measurements This will allow 
assessment of a long-term elevation changes of two major 
drainage glaciers of the Müller Ice Cap on Axel Heiberg. 
Although this comparison will be somewhat limited by the 
accuracy of the earlier maps, the 40-year time separation 
between the different data sets should prove to be quite 
Through a combination of the repeat laser altimetry surveys, 
and all of the ancillary data sets, elevation changes (if 
elevations have in fact changed) will be measured and 
interpreted in the context of the present and recent climate. 
Results from the Canadian ice cap missions will be an 
important complement to those from Greenland, and they will 
help provide a more complete picture of the current state of 
balance of the Arctic ice masses. 
In addition, two sets of baseline data (with 5 years of separation 
between them) will be available for comparison to future GLAS 
observations, which, in its 183-day repeat orbit will have 
ground track separations in the vicinity of the ice caps of 
approximately 6 km for the more southerly ones, and 1.5 km for 
the more northern ones. Furthermore, the detailed topographic 
information will be useful for pre-launch simulation of laser- 
pulse return waveforms that GLAS will acquire over such ice 
caps. Because these ice caps are generally rougher and more 
steeply sloping than the large ice sheets, interpreting their 
waveforms may be more complex. These detailed topography 
measurements will improve these interpretations considerably. 
4.1 Approach 
For ice elevation change measurements, a series of surveys is 
made over an ice mass with the intent of resurveying the same 
flight lines at a later date. In the case of the Greenland ice 
sheet, these surveys were made during the spring of 1993 and 
1994 for the southern and northem portions of the ice sheet 
respectively, and they were repeated in 1998 and 1999. Results 
for the southern half of Greenland have been published by 
Krabill et al, (1999), and the results from the north are 
pending. In 1997, a detailed grid of the Jakobshavn Isbrae was 
surveyed, during which time multiple measurements over or 
near the ice stream were made. Some tracks were exact repeats 
of others with a time separation of two to six days. These 
surveys provided the initial proof of concept of velocity 

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