Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

off the bedrock walls (S. 
on). In the case of the 
ness retrieval is further 
th of the channel and the 
, 1997 
i m 
Ped il 
jistance (m) 
$ 8 bu Lm 
0 ENT 
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0 600 
Jistance (m) 
ata from ATM measurements 
vn Ice Stream (location A in 
ow of 88 m (blue) to a high 
features is apparent between 
'esent the displacement over 
ted with some modification 
nent, Vol. 67, Calculation of 
ae area using airborne laser 
V.B. Krabill, pp. 194-204 
from Elsevier Science. 
hown in Figure 3 along with 
ived velocities were studied. 
n region in the west, where 
7 and 1998, as well as two 
q Glacier, and the ice margin 
f survey pairs are shown in 
overlaid on ERS Synthetic 
European Space Agency, 
of the Jakobshavn Isbrae, the 
flow vectors. The boundaries 
more stagnant ice are easily 
irection and magnitude of the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
i Bas The maximum velocity near the calving front is obtained in areas where the standard deviation of topography 
ar m per ; 7 i , 
nearly per year was on the order of approximately one meter (Abdalati and 
eu | : Krabill, 1999). Smoother surfaces do not produce sufficiently 
in views are given for portions of the Kangerdlugssuaq unique correlations in between the reference image sub-section 
€ € 1 € 1 € o . x p e 
Glacier md the ice margin near 65?N; however, the Jakobshavn in the first observation, and the search image sub-section in the 
transects yield the best results, as can be seen in Figure 3. This second. 
is because the region has the most distinct topography and 
these flights were flown on very clear days. Results could be Results for the Kangerdlugssuaq region were very limited 
because on the dates of the later flights, low clouds inhibited 
1998 AIM MISSIONS (14 flights) 
Figure 3. Maps of 1998 flight trajectory (upper left panel) identifying areas with multiple surveys during the 1998 field season (and 1997 
m Case A, the Jakobshavn Isbrae) Retrieved velocity vectors are overlaid on ERS-1 SAR imagery in the other three panels. The SAR 
imagery is from the Digital SAR Mosaic provided by the EOSDIS NSIDC Distributed Active Archive Center at the National Snow and 
Ice Data Center a he University of Colorado at Boulder. The mosaic was assembled from ERS-1 SAR (© European Space Agency 
Copyright 1992), by M. Fahnestock and R. Kwok). The upper right panel is reprinted from Remote Sensing of Environment Vol 67, 
Calculation of ice velocities in Jakobshavn Isbrae area using airborne laser altimetry, W. Abdalati, and W.B. Krabill PP. 194-204 
Copyright (1999) with permission from Elsevier Science. "re

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