Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

the collection of elevation data along many parts of the 
transects, leaving many gaps in the elevation data. Those areas 
for which estimates could be made are indicated with velocity 
vectors. In these areas, details of the flow character are clear, 
but the failure to retrieve velocities over part of the eastern 
flight line, and nearly all of the western flight line demonstrate 
one of the limitations of using laser altimetry for velocity 
estimates — the weather. 
Results on the northeastern line at the 65°N ice margin show 
roughly parallel flow along the transect with some local areas 
of varied direction. In the southern portion of that same line, 
velocities are almost 1.4 km/yr. The southwestern flight line 
shows well-developed flow emptying into the basin with a 
maximum velocity of nearly 1.2 km/yr. Such flow rates are 
unusual, given the fact that the ice in this region appears to 
have the characteristics that are more like an ice sheet margin 
rather than an outlet glacier. 
The results of the ATM-derived velocity estimate indicate that 
for sufficiently rough surfaces, detailed velocities can be 
retrieved along essentially a straight line. While such an 
application is not very useful for large-scale ice sheet studies, it 
is quite useful for detailed glacier studies (either for outlet 
glaciers in Greenland, or for smaller mountain glaciers). 
Because the elevation characteristics are accurately measured 
with the ATM, a three-dimensional velocity field can be 
retrieved. Moreover, when combined with thickness data, 
generally collected coincidentally using an airborne ice 
penetrating radar (Chuah, 1996), velocities derived from cross- 
glacier passes allows for the calculation of ice fluxes. 
A series of passes up an down a glacier would provide a 
complete description of velocity fields, and subsequently the 
full strain-rate tensor could be derived. In this way, the surface 
flow mechanics of an entire glacier could be quickly 
characterized. To make similar observations manually would 
be extremely difficult, if not impossible. For practical purposes, 
however, such an application of the ATM would require that 
the instrument be mounted on a more maneuverable aircraft 
than the P-3 that is currently used for the Greenland surveys. 
The capability of conducting topography surveys from a more 
agile Twin Otter platform using the ATM has been clearly 
demonstrated through a series of beach-mapping missions 
along most of the United States' east, west, and Gulf coasts. 
Thus the application of the ATM for detailed surveys of 
smaller glaciers is quite feasible. 
Building on the success that the Arctic Ice Mapping Program 
has achieved for Greenland, the prospect for obtaining 
important information on the state of balance of the Canadian 
ice caps is quite good. Their smaller mass, in contrast to that 
of the Greenland ice sheet makes them more likely to respond 
to climate changes. A combination of these observations with 
the in situ data that the Canadian researchers are providing, 
will also allow an assessment of the significance of the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
observations, and the relative contributions of ablation and 
accumulation to the ice cap mass balance. By quantifying their 
current mass balance, a clearer picture of the large-scale 
response of the Arctic to the changing climate will be obtained. 
The results from Canada are expected to provide useful insight 
to the results obtained for Greenland, and those from 
Greenland should be useful for the interpretation of the 
Canadian data as well. 
For more detailed studies of smaller glaciers, the ATM 
observations show considerable potential, with the capability of 
velocity determination based on the tracking of the movement 
of elevation features. It is this measurement of detailed 
elevation characteristics, as opposed to just visible features, that 
allows a three-dimensional velocity field to be retrieved. For 
future applications, a series of passes up an down a glacier 
would provide a complete description of velocity fields and 
subsequently the full strain-rate tensor. In this way, the surface 
flow mechanics of an entire glacier could be quickly 
characterized. The success of the ATM beach mapping 
missions on a Twin Otter platform suggest that such a program 
for detailed glacier studies is quite feasible. 
Abdalati, W. and W.B. Krabill, 1999. Calculation of ice 
Velocities in the Jakobshavn Isbrae area using airborne laser 
altimetry. [International Journal of Remote Sensing. 67, 194- 
Chuah, T.S., 1997. Design and development of a coherent 
radar depth sounder for measurement of Greenland ice sheet 
thickness. RSL Technical Report 10470-5. The University of 
Kansas Remote Sensing Laboratory, Lawrence, KS. U.S.A. 
Krabill, W.B., R.H. Thomas, C.F. Martin, R.N. Swift, and E.B. 
Frederick, 1995. Accuracy of airborne laser altimetry over the 
Greenland ice sheet. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 
16(7), 1211-1222. 
Krabill, W.B., E. Frederick, S. Manizade, C. Martin, J. 
Sonntag, R. Swift, R. Thomas, W. Wright, and J. Yungel, 1999. 
Rapid thinning of parts of the southern Greenland ice sheet. 
Science, 283, 1522-1524. 
Cogley, J.G., W.P. Adams, M.A. Ecclestone, F. Jung- 
Rothenhausler, and C.S.L. Ommanney, 1996. Mass balance of 
White Glacier, Axel Heiberg Island, N.W.T., Canada 1960- 
1991. Journal of Glaciology, 44, 315-325. 
Scambos, T.A., M.J. Dutkiewicz, J.C. Wilson, and R.A. 
Bindschadler, 1992. Applications of image cross-correlation to 
the measurement of glacier velocity using satellite data. 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 42, 177-186. 
Van der Veen, C.J., 1993. Interpretation of short-term ice sheet 
elevation changes inferred from satellite altimetry. Climate 
Change, 23, 383-405 
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