, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999
> contributions of ablation and
iss balance. By quantifying their
arer picture of the large-scale
1anging climate will be obtained.
xpected to provide useful insight
' Greenland, and those from
for the interpretation of the
of smaller glaciers, the ATM
e potential, with the capability of
nn the tracking of the movement
this measurement of detailed
posed to just visible features, that
locity field to be retrieved. For
f passes up an down a glacier
scription of velocity fields and
e tensor. In this way, the surface
ire glacier could be quickly
of the ATM beach mapping
orm suggest that such a program
uite feasible.
bill, 1999.
Isbrae area using airborne laser
wal of Remote Sensing. 67, 194-
Calculation of ice
and development of a coherent
urement of Greenland ice sheet
port 10470-5. The University of
atory, Lawrence, KS. U.S.A.
*.F. Martin, R.N. Swift, and E.B.
airborne laser altimetry over the
onal Journal of Remote Sensing.
, S. Manizade, C. Martin, J.
W. Wright, and J. Yungel, 1999.
e southern Greenland ice sheet.
, M.A. Ecclestone, F. Jung-
1manney, 1996. Mass balance of
Island, N.W.T., Canada 1960-
44, 315-325.
ewicz, J.C. Wilson, and R.A.
ons of image cross-correlation to
velocity using satellite data.
it, 42, 177-186.
'rpretation of short-term ice sheet
om satellite altimetry. Climate
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999
D.D. Blankenship, S.D. Kempf, D.L. Morse, M.E. Peters
Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas, Austin TX, USA
(blank, scottk, morse, mattp)®@ig.utexas.edu
R.E. Bell, R.B. Arko
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades NY, USA
(robinb, arko)@ldeo.columbia.edu
KEY WORDS: Airborne Laser Altimetry, West Antarctica
The portion of the West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS) encom-
passing the ice divide separating the Pine Island and Ross
Embayments and ice stream D within the Ross Embayment
is a particular focus for WAIS research. Proposed activities
include both deep ice coring and shallow coring traverses near
the divide as well as a seismological traverses of the ice stream
onset. Here we report on results of the laser altimetry com-
ponent of a 100,000 line-km aerogeophysical survey (on a 5.3
km grid) collected by the Support Office for Aerogeophysical
Research (SOAR) covering ice stream D from the ice divide
to the grounding line (Figure 1).
This survey utilized a 16 uJ (total energy) pulsed laser (23
nsec pulse at 1064 nm) with a 1.8 to 3.5 m footprint (for a
typical flight elevations of 500-1000 m). The average range
from the aircraft to the ice surface was determined every
eight to nine meters along the flight path by summing the
travel-times for 64 laser returns. These averaged laser ranges
were ultimately projected to a position on the ice surface
using aircraft attitude information from an on-board laser
gyroscope. The aircraft position was determined kinemati-
cally using differential carrier phase GPS observations made
at one-second intervals with multiple receivers. Surface ele-
vations determined with this system have single-season un-
corrected mean deviations for observations made at points of
intersecting flight paths ranging from 0.13 to 0.39 meters.
These mean deviations are reduced to 0.07 m to 0.28 m after
correcting profiles for a linear drift in the vertical position of
the aircraft (Table 1).
These new surface elevation data provide a calibration surface
for space-based altimetry measurements and are a benchmark
for future ice sheet volume change detection. Augmented by
satellite imagery, these data also should be sufficient for re-
solving the position of the topographic ice divide and bound-
aries of ice stream initiation with the sub-kilometer precision
necessary for modeling WAIS dynamics.
[Blankenship et al., 1999] Blankenship D.D., Morse, D.L.,
Finn, C.A., Bell, R.E., Peters, M.E., Kempf, S.D., Hodge,
S.M., Studinger, M. Behrendt, J.C. and Brozena, J.M., 1999.
Geologic controls on the inititation of rapid basal motion for
West Antarctic ice streams; a geophysical perspective includ-
ing new airborne radar sounding and laser altimetry results.
In: The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, R.B. Alley, ed., in press.
4 co
<> 1000 kmn—
Figure 1: Coverage of CASERTZ/IRE, SOAR/BSB and
SOAR/TKD aerogeophysical surveys conducted in West
Table 1: Summary of laser altimetry statistics.
Season Survey Line km Deviation!
post(pre) leveling
1991/92 IRE? 25k 0.37 m
1992/93 IRE? 25k 0.09 m
1994/95 BSB 18k 0.07 (0.13) m
1994/96 BSB 26k 0.13 (0.22) m
TKD. 24k 0.10 (0.19) m
1996/97 TKD? 33k 0.28 (0.39) m
! RMS of half the observation discrepancy at the
“crossover” locations.
? from [Blankenship et al., 1999]
? including a region with ice motion exceeding 1 m/day
The authors thank the SOAR technical staff for collecting
these data and Ken Borek Air Ltd. for operating the survey
aircraft. This work was supported by NSF-OPP 9319379
and 9319369.