Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

therefore linear interpolation is used to estimate laser elevations 
at the coffee can site. Results showed that laser elevations 
agreed to within 0.10 m of the coffee can elevation. 
Large portions of ice streams B1, B2, C, and E have been 
surveyed. Topographic maps have been made for all four ice 
streams with varying uncertainties. An example is shown in 
Figure 6 for Ice Stream C. Ice surface contours compare very 
well with an earlier radar study (Retzlaff et al., 1993), although 
the older maps have uncertainties that are too large to be useful 
for detection of changes in surface elevation. The laser derived 
surface map is superimposed over bed elevations taken from 
radar measurements (Fig. 6) to show how bed features affect the 
ice in terms of velocity vectors, surface elevations, and slope. 
Ice Stream C was chosen as a likely location for rapid ice 
thickness change because the downstream portion is nearly 
stagnant while the upstream portion is still active (Fig. 6). 
Within the laser grid, the ice velocities go from 25 m/a to 3 m/a 
(Whillans and Van der Veen, 1993 and Joughin et al., 1999). 
As more ice moves into the region, ice thicknesses are expected 
to increase by 0.50-1.0 m/a (Whillans and Van der Veen, 1993 
and Joughin et al., 1999). Figure 6 also shows that surface 
slopes are greater in the zone where velocity decreases the 
quickest. This is an impossible scenario for steady-state 
conditions and could be evidence that Ice Stream C is being 
reactivated. It seems sensible that a build-up of ice will cause 
the ice to begin streaming again. 
The pattern of ice thickness, ice velocity, and surface slope 
observed on Ice Stream C are unlike what is normally expected. 
Ice thickness decreases by a factor of two from the upstream 
portion of the grid to the downstream portion mostly as a result 
of increased bed elevations. The velocity decreases by a factor 
of four for the same region and the surface slope increases by a 
factor of 2. In an ordinary glacial setting, the velocity would 
increase. with increased surface slope and decreased thickness. 
The ice seems to be piling up as it reaches the bedrock ridges. 
This could be due to a lack of subglacial water at the 
downstream end. If the upstream portion of the ice stream is 
sliding over clay-rich sedimentary rocks, basal friction would be 
very small for two reasons. First, ice thicknesses are great 
enough in this region to induce pressure melting despite cold 
temperatures. Second, clay rich materials have very low 
permeabilities so water is not able to escape. This scenario has 
been shown to exist beneath other fast flowing ice streams 
(Anandakrishnan and Bentley, 1993; Engelhardt et al. 1990). 
As for the downstream portion of Ice Stream C, 
Anandakrishnan and Bentley (1993) found basal seismic noises 
that were not sensed beneath fast flowing ice streams. The 
interpretation was that Ice Stream C must have experienced a 
dewatering and loss of dilatency in the lubricating till layer. 
Without well-distributed water the ice can become frozen to the 
bed, forming ‘sticky’ spots, or in this case an entire ‘sticky’ 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
region. The future course of the growing bulge will determine 
the behavior of ice stream C and will illustrate the effect of 
glaciologic processes, presumably the advancement of a 
lubricated bed. One can expect a major change of the studied 
region as this thickening continues. 
-5504 -700m 
-570+ = 
ESO - 
-5908 = 
-6004 a 
-6103 " 
3 Ice Velocity e 
and direction 
Arrow Scale: m/a 
-660 -640 -620 -600 -580 -560 
X (km) 
Fig. 6. Laser derived elevation contours (blue) of the surface of Ice 
Stream C superimposed over bed elevations from airborne radar surveys 
(Taken from Retzlaff et al., 1993). Red arrows show ice flow direction 
and magnitude (Taken from Whillans and Van der Veen, 1993, and 
Hamilton, pers. comm.). The yellow diamond is a coffee-can site 
whose known elevation is used to validate laser derived elevations 
(Hamilton, pers. comm.). Dashed black line shows the track of the 
laser surveys. 
At the onset of this project it was expected that uncertainties 
would be at least 1-meter. The large uncertainties were 
expected to come from the GPS solutions because the GPS 
satellites that cover Antarctica are at low angles making it 
difficult to resolve errors in the vertical. Uncertainties in the 10 
to 30 centimeter range were found instead. Most elevations 
from crossing flight lines compare within 20 cm during the 
same GPS survey and within 30 cm for crosses involving two 
separate GPS surveys. This level of precision is acceptable, but 
could probably be improved with better GPS surveying 
techniques. These would include static initialization at the 
beginning and end of each survey, beginning and ending flights 
at the same base camp, and more surveys conducted on the 
snow surface for bias determination. Nevertheless, this level of 
precision will allow changes in ice sheet elevations to be 
detected in the 2 year time interval for most of the study region. 
Laser altimetry is shown here to be a valuable tool for mass 
balance measurement for all of Antarctica. It is also shown to 
be a useful tool in locating unusual topographic features that 
can lead to a greater understanding of glacier mechanics. 
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