Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

photogrammetry which drastically improves the penetration 
e the high point density of laser scanner systems, at least 
partly compensates for low penetration rates, thus even in 
dense forests there may be enough information available to 
create good ground elevation models. 
However, there are still some major problems with laser scanners 
that must be overcome or are inherently unanvoidable; 
e the penetration rate may be nearly zero in areas with 
extremely dense vegetation (young deciduous trees); 
e the huge point number and the totally arbitrary distribution 
along with the massive shift towards off-terrain elevations 
needs new approaches to interpolate DEMs. This is 
comparable to the unqualified point distribution of image 
matching techniques which does not always lead to correct 
Laser scanning in its practical application is a very new 
technology. It has the potential to provide information far beyond 
the mere creation of DEMs, particularly in fields outside the 
photogrammetric community. Thus the technology needs to be 
promoted to those areas, and algorithms have to be provided that 
will allow other disciplines to benefit from the information 
available with laser data. One already well-known field of 
application is the creation of digital 3D city models, mainly 
driven by the mobile telephone companies. In this paper, the 
focus is on the application of laser scanner data in forestry. 
As mentioned, laser scanning has great potential to provide 
information about vegetation, therefore it may well be used in 
forestry. In contrast to photogrammetry, or more general, remote 
sensing — which focuses on the thematic aspects in a geo-coded 
context — the main application of laser data lies in their geometric 
aspects. With photogrammetric methods, the crown surface can 
be measured; the lack of ground information, however, makes 
estimation of tree heights very inaccurate. The great advantage of 
laser scanning in this regard is its ability to penetrate vegetation. 
Therefore the two techniques complement one another. 
Forestry usually needs tree information on a stand basis. A stand 
in the context of a forest enterprise is an area that is dealt with as 
one unit in planning and working. The borders of these units 
frequently follow roads, ridges, valleys, or arbitrary — often 
simple straight — lines. There may or may not be a connection to 
the terrain. The size of forest stands depends on several criteria, 
such as silviculture-methods, steepness, tree species, infra 
structure, or even legal aspects. The vegetation within a forest 
stand may change due to differing conditions (valley — ridge; soil 
changes; etc.) or operative actions within the forest enterprise. 
In contrast to the "economic unit", laser scanning simply provides 
geometric information. Thus laser data can be used in two ways: 
Either one can take the stand borders as provided by the forest 
inventory and analyze the laser data within these stands; or one 
can comprise areas of similar geometric characteristics, i. e. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
similar tree height, density, and species, which yields 
"geometrically homogenous stands". 
It is not yet clear which method better fits the needs of forest 
enterprises. This certainly depends on several aspects and up to 
now there is little experience available. It may well be that laser 
scanning will change traditional techniques of forestry, especially 
along with legal actions. An example; in mountainous countries 
like Austria there is a growing awareness of the dangers of large 
clear-cuts on steep hillsides. Thus there is a tendency towards 
uneven aged stands, cutting only particular trees from time to 
time. It is very difficult to estimate timber volume of such stands 
from terrestrial or photogrammetric measurements. 
For the following research, "geometric stands" are delineated 
from laser data along with aerial photographs in order to 
determine about the characteristics of different tree species, 
heights, density etc. This information can later be used to find out 
about the real, often fairly mixed stands. 
The research area chosen encompassed the eastern part of the 
Vienna University of Agricultural Sciences research forest, 60 km 
south of Vienna (Figure 1). The area of interest covers about 10 
square kilometers. The terrain is hilly with elevations between 
300 to 700 m above sea level. Average hillslope is 34 percent, 
with extremes up to 100 percent. The following data are available 
for the region: 
e A precise forest inventory; 
e Tree and stand information (height, species, breast height 
diameters, vitality, leaf area index measurements, etc.) for 
over 1000 trees; 
e three laser scanner flights, two summer flights with first and 
last reflected pulse recorded respectively, and a winter 
flight (leafless period) with last pulse recorded. The system 
used is the TopoSys scanner with ground resolution of 10- 
15cm in flight direction and 1.5 meters across. Approx. 340 
million laser dots were collected; 
e photogrammetric false color infrared imagery from both 
summer and winter flights (scale 1:10,000); 
e terrestrial measurements from a survey during the winter of 
1999 with approx. 2000 ground points and data from more 
than 1000 trees. 
The research forest reflects vegetation typical for Central Europe: 
Mixed and pure stands of coniferous and deciduous trees with 
mainly spruce and beech. In between, but less important, fir, oak, 
larch, pine, and an insignificant number of other deciduous trees. 
Laser scanners as used in this research provide only geometric 
information. For each recorded pulse three coordinates, X, y, Z are 
calculated. No radiance information is collected. Therefore only 
geometric characteristics may be extracted; however, there is à 
relation between several (thematic) stand parameters and 
geometric aspects of the laser data. 
4.1 Laser patterns of 
The main "geometric c 
dealt with are 
e mean stand heigh 
® tree species, grou 
e proportion of bas 
Figure 2 Perspecti 
show the lines of 

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