Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

9-11 Nov. 1999 
s, summer first (sf), summer 
> selected stands. The height 
idth) is 1 m. The histograms 
ally and relative frequency 
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elative) number of reflected 
curves show some typical 
no off-terrain reflections in 
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r a mature beech stand. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
winter last. 
e Coniferous trees show very similar patterns in winter and 
e For both deciduous and coniferous trees, there is only a 
slight difference between summer last and summer first 
The last observation shows that it does not make much sense to 
go to the extra effort of an additional first pulse flight. The 
TopoSys scanner does not allow to store more than one reflected 
signal at a time, so this can save costs. 
The penetration rate can be estimated at different heights from the 
cumulative frequency curves. Results from 50 different stands 
showed that any penetration rate lower than 100 percent for 
deciduous trees in the winter last data can be explained by the 
presence of coniferous trees. The separation between deciduous 
and coniferous trees is thus very simple with both a winter and a 
summer flight. Since beech and fir are the dominant tree species 
in the project area, it was not possible to distinguish between 
different deciduous or coniferous tree species. 
The penetration rate strongly depends on the number of reflected 
pulses. This is not a constant value. Rather, it depends on the 
intensity of the reflected rays; signals too low may not be 
recognized by the laser scanner. Figure 6 shows the number of 
reflected laser dots. The position of the flight stripes can be 
clearly recognized as well as different vegetation types. For 
coniferous trees, generally much fewer laser points are recorded 
than with deciduous trees. This is quite reasonable, since the laser 
scanner uses an infrared signal; it corresponds well to the 
intensity patterns observable in infrared images. 
In the winter flight the difference between the two main tree 
species is much lower which can be partly explained by climatic 
conditions: The summer flight was undertaken after a long period 
of hot dry weather, while the winter flight followed a quite humid 
period. Obviously dry and eventually dusty needles are poor 
reflectors of the laser signal. 
Figure 6 Number of reflected laser dots per square meter as gray coded images. The values range from 0 (black) to more than 50 dots 
Proportion of crown coverage of coniferous trees 
The 50 stands were used to estimate the proportion of conifers. 
For reference, the data of the forest management plan were used, 
checked, and eventually corrected with aerial photographs. The 
range is from O to 100 % in units of 10 %. The overall accuracy is 
unknown but is assumed to be less than +10 %. The results of the 
stepwise variable selection regression for the crown coverage 
proportion of coniferous trees, Cer, is as follows: 
Cer = 83.0 - 0.989 py, — 0.0202 py; > + 0.00733 pyr - pr (1) 
Figure 7 Crown coverage proportion estimated from laser 
data plotted against reference data which are in 10 % steps 
with a regression coefficient R = 0.95 and a standard error of the 
estimates of +13.0 %. Again, compared to the accuracy of the 
reference data, the result is very good (Figure 7). There is a trend 
to underestimate the proportion of the conifers, which is partly 
due to the fact that holes are not considered in the method and 
thus their area is grouped with the deciduous trees. Taking into 
account the accuracy of the ground samples the results are very 
good (+13% is scarcely less than the accuracy of the reference 
data). Note that equation (1) allows for negative values or values 
higher than 100% which certainly needs to be corrected. Yet, the 
method is simple and reliable. 
(white). Left: Winter last pulse; Center: Summer first pulse; Right: Digital ortho image.

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