9-11 Nov. 1999
ugh details are closely
to creating DTMs have
rsities (Axelsson, 1999:
height and volume have
s using small-footprint
a; Naesset, 1997b) and
l.; 1999; Means et al.,
ll-footprint lidar have a
1 with image data offers
feature recognition and
yf information are so
ctural information, such
ical distribution, while
mposition such as roof
ps and proportions of
rbs or grass. Progress
r imagery to make 3-D
oes (hazards
iass, basal area, leaf
^ts, vegetation
r imagery
models (Haala, 1999), including automated extraction of 3-D
features such as buildings (Maas & Vosselman, 1999),
highlights this potential. This capability will be enhanced
with co-collection and automated coregistration of raster
imagery as some companies are starting to do.
There are several important opportunities for environmental
assessment using lidar without evidence in the literature that
they have been explored.
Canopy fuels Wildland fuels are produced by vegetation in
proportion to its productivity, which can be indexed for a
given vegetation type by height and canopy cover, both of
which are easily measured by lidar. Canopy fuels are
especially hard to inventory and are an important driver of
crown fires, the most destructive and hard to control and
model (Rothermel, 1991). Lidar provides much information
on canopies and offers significant promise for predicting
distribution in 3-D space and density of fine fuels, however,
developing this potential will be a challenge.
Riparian zones Riparian vegetation is an important
component of stream habitat because of its input of wood and
leaves and the shade it provides, reducing heat stress on
sensitive fish (Gregory et al, 1991) (Figure 1). These
functions are correlated with distance from stream, vegetation
height and canopy density, all of which can be assessed by
Arboreal habitat Arboreal habitat is very important for
many species, some of which are threatened or endangered
(Forsman et al., 1984), yet it is the most difficult type of
terrestrial wildlife habitat to assess. Lidar should be very
helpful here because it can index the height, density and
vertical distribution of a vegetation canopy. For this to be
realized, we must develop the ability to integrate small-
footprint lidar reflections into a vertical canopy profile, as has
been successfully achieved in Costa Rica (Blair & Hofton,
Future cost and availability
In the future costs of small-footprint lidar products should
decline and types and accuracy of products should increase
due to several factors. Processing into DTMs and models of
features that now requires significant operator interpretation
will become more automated. Competition in the industry
will increase. Repetition rates of lidars will increase and
associated computer costs will decrease, allowing data to be
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999
collected more efficiently and at the higher densities needed
for some applications, and/or reducing the cost per unit area.
Flexibility in footprint size and spacing and in flying height
will increase. A great improvement for applications to dense
forest stands will be commercial availability of a lidar with a
full waveform return. This will blur the difference between
large-footprint and small footprint lidars.
The availability in the next few years of data from the satellite
lidar, VCL (Dubayah et al., 1999), will provide every major
landowner with large-footprint (25m) lidar data. Single tracks
of contiguous footprints will be spaced 2 km apart over the
earth’s land surface between 65 degrees North and South, and
this data will be publicly available. The future is bright for
this new technology; we will learn much about our world (and
solar system) through data lidars provide.
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