Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

4, 9-77 Nov. 1999 
py surfaces from the top of 
n cited as a key physical 
nguishing them from the 
mature stands (Spies and 
d stand structure attributes 
ngth of the relationships 
omparison to other remote 
favorably with allometric 
aspects of individual tree 
terplots indicates that the 
iomass and LAI show no 
remely large values (1200 
quation predicting biomass 
the total filled volume, and 
han 55 m. The equation 
correlation with the total 
volume, and a negative 
ne. This may be interpreted 
surface area of leaves is 
distributed in. Increases in 
y surface tends to increase 
^ 40 — 40 
& SE 
= = 
E E 
= % = 20 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
LAI, and the presence of empty spaces within the canopy tends 
to decrease LAI. Although both LAI and aboveground biomass 
use the total filled volume variable in their equations, 
scatterplots and regressions have shown that the predicted 
values of each variable are no more highly correlated with each 
other than the original data. 
Young Stand (~20 years) Mature Stand (~100 years) 
60 60 
0 Volume 100% 0 
Volume 100% 
Old- growth Stand 
(-250 years) Open Gap: Volume between 
the upper canopy surface 
and the height of the tallest 
60 | 
| Euphotic Zone: Foliage or 
A woody structure returned in 
& the uppermost 65% of 
> canopy closure. 
=== Oligophotic Zone:Foliage or 
woody structure below the 
Euphotic Zone 
Closed Gap: No foliage or 
woody structure detected 
9 Volume 10077 
Fig. 5. ^ Canopy Volume Profiles (Lefsky et al., 1999b) 
v 140€ a! Lond. 14 did ee td uud i 1 
2 "4 RR=909 o | R2=88% - 
= 120d R2=90% E 6 ; 
m Z- zw V. E 
>= 800 o Fu s L 
25 Dogs . t 
2 8 600 Eo e 
O &b 400] o [ Z - 
> 200 s: R48 4 . - 
= os bos od - 
-20€ T 0 TDI 
0.2 4 6 8 1012 14 
Predicted LAI (m2/m2) 
-200 200 600 1000 1400 
Predicted Aboveground 
Biomass (Mg/ha) 
Fig. 6. Predictions of Stand Structure from Canopy Volume 
The development of forest ecology applications of lidar remote 
sensing will depend on detailed knowledge of canopy 
organization, and the interaction of lidar sensors with that 
organization. Using data from the SLICER device, we have 
made several introductory studies of the interaction of the 
sensor with two very different canopy types, and developed 
algorithms that relate lidar measurements to standard field 
measurements of forest canopies. Additionally, we have shown 
the utility of these measurements for the estimation of forest 
stand structure attributes, such as aboveground biomass and 
LAI, in both forest types. 
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(1994), Laser altimetry waveform measurement of vegetation 
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NASA Technical Memorandum. 
Harding, D.J. Lefsky, M.A., Parker, G.G., and Blair, J.B. 
(Submitted), Airborne lidar measurements of canopy structure: 

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