Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

The traditional approach to this problem is to interpo- 
late both data sets to a regular grid, followed by deter- 
mining the z-differences at the grid posts. There are 
problems with this simple approach, however. First, the 
z — differences that serve as a comparison criteria are af- 
fected by interpolation errors. More critical is the re- 
striction to compare differences only along the z—axis. 
Take the extreme example of a vertical surface; here 
z — differences would be meaningless to capture surface 
An improved solution is to compute the difference be- 
tween the two sets along surface normals and at the orig- 
inal point location, to avoid interpolation. Suppose now 
that local surface patches for S, are generated. The sim- 
plest approach would be to create a TIN model—quite 
adequate for laser surfaces. Let surface patch SP in Si 
be defined by the 3 points Pa, Pp, Pc and let q; be a point 
in the second set. Then, Eq. 2 is the shortest distance 
between a point in the second set to the correspond- 
ing surface patch, as illustrated in Fig. 1. If we want to 
impose the condition that q; lies on the surface patch 
(coplanarity condition), then we have D = 0 in Eq. 1. 
Xqdi Yq: zqi 1 
Dis XPa YPa ZPa | (1) 
XPb. YPb ZPh. | 
XP: "Vpc  Zpc .1 
dj m EL (2) 
JD? + D3 + D2 
Figure 1: Illustration of comparing two data sets that de- 
scribe the same surface. The points of one set are shown 
by circles. Solid circles represent a few points of the sec- 
ond data set. The comparison is achieved by computing 
the shortest distances d; from points in one data set to 
the corresponding surface patches of the other data set, 
here shown as triangles. 
We call the association of point q; with the proper tri- 
angle pa, Py, Pc the matching problem in this paper. In 
the simple case of both data sets being registered in 
the same reference system, the matching can be solved 
in the x—, y -—coordinate plane by selecting that surface 
patch which contains point q; within its perimeter. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
2.2 General Case 
We generalize now the surface comparison problem by 
allowing that the two data sets S, and S» are in dif- 
ferent reference systems. We assume that there is a 
known functional relationship between the two sets but 
with unknown parameters. An example would be the 
knowledge that the two sets are related by a 3-D simi- 
larity transformation; and the seven parameters should 
be determined without identical points. This situation 
exists when merging two data sets that may be affected 
by uncompensated systematic errors. Calibrating laser 
systems is a classical case; here the surface defined by 
laser points from an uncalibrated system is compared 
with a known surface (control surface). The expected er- 
rors must be modeled, e.g. by an affine transformation, 
and the unknown parameters of that model—the cali- 
bration parameters—can be determined with the method 
described here (see, e.g. Filin and Csathó (1999)). 
It is important to realize that any functional relation- 
ship between the two sets can be used in our proposed 
matching scheme. We use a 3-D similarity transforma- 
tion as an example to aid the following discussions. The 
solution sketched above must be extended by subject- 
ing S» to the relevant function. With the example of a 
similarity transformation, we have 
q; =s-R-q;+t (3) 
where s is the scale factor, t the translation vector, and 
R a 3-D orthogonal rotation matrix. We can solve the 
parameters in an adjustment procedure using Eq. 2 as 
the target function (see Schenk (1999a) for details). 
Such a procedure would determine transformation pa- 
rameters that minimize the distances d; according to 
the least-squares principle. This implies that the differ- 
ences between the two surfaces are assumed to be ran- 
dom; hence, the remaining distances after establishing 
the transformation parameters are residuals. 
We are faced with a new problem, however. To compute 
the distances dj, a correspondence between the points 
q; and the surface patches must be established. This 
matching problem is no longer trivial because the two 
sets are in different reference systems. The proposed 
solution to this intricate problem is based on searching 
the solution in the parameter space by a voting scheme. 
Before delving into details we first introduce the notion 
of parameter space and voting scheme by way of an ex- 
3 The Notion of Parameter Space and Voting 
The method of determining parameters by a voting 
scheme was first proposed by Hough (1962). Variants of 
this approach are known as Hough technique or Hough 
transform. Let us introduce the notion of parameter 
space and voting scheme by way of an example. Sup- 
pose we are interested in detecting points that happen 
to lie on a circle of known radius. Fig. 2(top) depicts a 
cloud of points. It would be quite cumbersome to solve 
this problem in the spatial domain. Instead, we repre- 
sent it in the | 
ing considera 
y - axis 
50 | 
40 | 
30 | 
v - axis 
20 } 
10 | 
Figure 2: llli 
points. A poit 
to a circle in 
versa. Here, 
center of the 
intersection o 
points 1,2,3 a 
in the spatial 
A circle of rad 
with x, y the 
of the circle ( 
introduce the 
dinate system 
ize that in thi: 
switch roles; 
parameters. / 
sponds to a c 
Xi, Vi. What c 
domain there 
vice versa. Tl 
circles in the

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