Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

-17 Nov. 1999 
6,17,18,19,20 (SDP v2) 
levation differences 
| Mean Sea Surface 
| for ocean tides 
resulting elevation data 
ct the effects of long 
1ge residuals time series 
vith a window length of 
of ocean surface laser 
yas 50, and a 3 sigma 
ed. The resulting ocean 
oss land areas using a 
d after the land. The 
the — sla02.bp.surface 3 
n error that is primarily 
[he geolocation process 
ellipsoid. Orthometric 
ing the geoid height at 
Earth Geoid Model 96 
his level of processing 
’roduct Version 2 (SDP 
ding to a scheme that 
and surfaces based on 
e 5 minute (10 km) 
e 4). Ocean and land 
valid returns, from the 
| returns, due either to a 
r a no-range return (no 
the range acquisition 
defined as those whose 
om sea level (elevation 
nd surface returns had 
rs of TerrainBase. This 
chosen to account for 
location errors causing 
lief errors. This method 
of land surface returns, 
de clouds as being from 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
the surface. Returns classified as clouds included those more 
than 500 m and 20 m above the TerrainBase and ocean 
reference surfaces, respectively, and below 10,000 m 
(considered to be the limit for cloud formation). Returns 
classified as noise included those 500 m and 20 m below the 
TerrainBase and ocean reference surfaces, respectively, or 
above 10,000 m. Figure 4 shows a histogram of the various 
classification categories for the approximately 2.1 million laser 
shots that have been geolocated. 
orientation for each laser vector. The orientation is 
characterized by the vector's azimuth (horizontal angle of its 
projection with respect to North) and angle off-nadir (zero in 
the nadir pointing position), provided in the sla02.pap.azimuth 
and sla02.pap.aoffnadir parameters of the sla02 structure. 
Caution should be used when interpreting the values provided 
for the no-range data, since the geolocation information 
associated with these is not valid. 
SLA-02 Return Types 
Obs.: 1,2,3,4,4a,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20 
587,172 over-land pulses (28%) 
1511,828 over-ocean pulses (72%) 
Surface returns within +-500m of TerrainBase elevation (S'grid) elevation Ocean Shots 
A es N Ee 
Cloud returns between 500m above TerrainBase and 10 000m 
500.000 1... anal SL SLD BEL oh Jl oe bets eit pn me Ama ne N amer 
Noise retums more than 500m bellow TerrainBase or above 10 000m 
350.000 4--7—------r-[ 00: 020 0n eut teni dna om imme mi mmm in mi I RY om re 
Mo range pulses have no return signal above detection threshold 
400.000 TERE AP IW rr Tr ARIE CIEE os eI TR 
S iD ee EEE een e rm 
3 NS 
d 300,000 1... nz NN DT No 
= 250,000 +-------------------------------"- #22 NNSSSSNNNE 7777 A RY === = - 
* Land Shots 
200,000 |------------------------------- A NNNNNNNNN. 77777 NNSSSSSNINNNNNNNNN| 77777 
150,000 + --------------------------------- É ANNE - - - -  - ANNNNNNNNN-- - - - - 
100,000 + NN -------- cene 
50,000 - N N inus 
No range Noise Clouds Surface | No range Noise Clouds Surface 
22.32% 3.20% 16.30% 58.18% 24.49% 4.08% 3426" 37.169 
% of land total % of ocean total 
Fig. 4 Number of occurences of SLA-02 return types for all observations processed 
The proportion of non-valid returns (noise and no range) was 
comparable for land and ocean surfaces. The proportion of 
cloud returns is significantly lower for the land as compared to 
the ocean, indicative of anomalous, sparse cloud cover over the 
land areas sampled during the mission. ^ Environmental 
parameters are also provided in the SLA-02 data set, including 
ISLSCP land cover class and  Normalized Difference 
Vegetation Index (NDVI), to provide a context for the derived 
bounce-point geolocation. 
32. Orientation of the Laser Vector 
To allow assessment of off-nadir pointing effects on pulse 
spreading of the backscatter return, the orientation of the laser 
vector with respect to the Earth’s surface is reported. Once the 
altimetry data were geolocated, the bounce point topocentric 
coordinates and shuttle position were used to compute the 
Methods used for the analysis of waveforms acquired during 
the second flight of the Shuttle Laser Altimeter (SLA) are 
summarized here. They represent modifications made to codes 
developed for SLA-O1. SLA waveform processing is 
implemented in the Interactive Data Language (IDL) 
environment. The methods are dynamic and continue to be 
modified as experience is gained. Therefore, the following 
procedures reflect the current SLA ‘state-of-the-art’ processing. 
Further discussion of the procedures is described in the 
documentation distributed with the data set, and we refer the 
reader to it for more details on the subject. 

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