Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
SLA has served as a pathfinder experiment motivating the 
development of geolocation methodologies and waveform 
processing algorithms for spaceborne laser altimetry. In 
particular, the SLA flights motivated the use of the ocean 
reference surface for determination of laser altimeter timing, 
range, and pointing biases. The first collection of globally 
distributed laser altimeter waveforms has also contributed 
significantly to the development of signal processing techniques 
for derivation of surface elevations. The capabilities developed 
for SLA form the basis of expanded techniques that will be 
used operationally as part of the upcoming VCL and ICESat 
laser altimeter missions. The comprehensive data set produced 
for the SLA-02 mission also provides the science community 
interested in characterization of Earth topography and land 
cover properties an opportunity to gain experience with laser 
altimeter waveform data in preparation for the upcoming 
missions. Data and in-depth documentation is accessible 
though the SLA-02 Data Products Webpage, at 
The SLA team consisted of a large number of individuals who 
made this pathfinder experiment possible, lead by Jim Garvin 
and Jack Bufton. Bryan Blair and David Rabine provided 
invaluable expertise on the flight acquisition data system and 
structures. Flight of the SLA instrument was made possible by 
the infrastructure and personnel of the Shuttle Small Payloads 
Hitchhiker Program. Funding and hardware for SLA was 
provided by the NASA Earth Science Enterprise, the Goddard 
Director’s Discretionary Fund, and the ICESat and Mars 
Observer Laser Altimeter projects. 
Bevington, P.R. and D.K. Robinson, 1992. Data Reduction and 
Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. Mc Graw Hill, Inc., 
2" Edition, pp. 141-167. 
Bufton, J.L., J.B. Blair, J. Cavanaugh, J.B. Garvin, D. J. 
Harding, D. Hopf, K. Kirks, S. Rabine, and N. Walsh, 1995. 
Shuttle Laser Altimeter (SLA): a pathfinder for space-based 
laser altimetry and lidar, Proc. Shuttle Small Payloads 
Symposium, NASA CR-3310, pp. 83-91. 
Bufton, J.L., D.H. Harding, and J.B. Garvin, 1999. Shuttle 
Laser Altimeter: Mission Results and Pathfinder 
Accomplishments, Proc. Shuttle Small Payloads Symposium, 
in press. 
Garvin, J., J. Blair, J. Bufton, and D. Harding, 1996. The 
Shuttle Laser Altimeter (SLA-0O1) Experiment: Topographic 
Remote Sensing of Planet Earth. EOS Trans., AGU, Vol. 77 
(7), p. 239. 
Garvin, J., J. Bufton, J. Blair, D. Harding, S. Luthcke, J. 
Frawley, and D. Rowlands, 1998. Observation of the Earth's 
Topography from Shuttle Laser Altimeter (SLA): Laser-pulse 
Echo-recovery Measurements of Terrestrial Surfaces, Phys. 
Chem. Earth, 23(9-10), pp. 1053-1068. 
Lemoine, F.G., S.C. Kenyon, J.K. Factor, R.G. Trimmer, N.K. 
Pavlis, D.S. Chin, C.M. Cox, S.M. Klosko, S.B. Luthcke, M.H. 
Torrence, Y.M. Wang, R.G. Williamson, E.C. Pavlis, R.H. 
Rapp, and T.R. Olson, 1998. The Development of the Joint 
NASA GSFC and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency 
(NIMA) Geopotential Model EGM96, NASA/TP-1998- 
Luthcke, S.B., J.A. Marshall, S.C. Rowton, K.E. Rachlin, C.M. 
Cox, and R.G. Williamson, 1997. Enhanced Radiative Force 
Modeling of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellites, The 
Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 45(3): 349-370. 
Luthcke, S.B., D.D. Rowlands, J.J. McCarthy, E.Stoneking, and 
D.E. Pavlis, 1999. Spaceborn laser altimeter pointing bias 
calibration from range residual analysis, submitted to The 
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 
Schrama, E.J.O. and R.D. Ray, 1994. A Preliminary Tidal 
Analysis of TOPEX/POSEIDON  Altimetry, Journal of 
Geophysical Research, 99(C-12), pp.24, 799-24,808. 
Rowlands, D.D., J.A. Marshall, J.J. McCarthy, S.C.Rowton, D. 
Moore, D.E.Pavlis, S.B. Luthcke, and L.S. Tsaoussi, 1993. 
GEODYN-II System Description, Hughes STX Contractor 
Report, Greenbelt, MD-USA. 
Rowlands, D.D., S.B. Luthcke, J.A. Marshall, C.M. Cox, R.G. 
Williamson, and S.C.Rowton, 1997. Space Shuttle Precision 
Orbit Determination in Support of SLA-1 Using TDRSS and 
GPS Tracking Data, The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 
45(1), pp. 113-129. 
Yi, Yuchan, 1995. Determination of Gridded Mean Sea 
Surface from TOPEX, ERS-1 and GEOSAT Altimeter Data, 
Ohio State University, Department of Geodetic Science and 
Surveying, Report No. 434, OH-USA. 
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