Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

9-11 Nov. 1999 
et surface with superglacial 
2 2 is extracted along the 
poundaries and the dashed 
perglacial lakes and com- 
sreenland ice sheet (Fig- 
rface fitting is the logical 
shape, ice sheets are so 
es can directly be recog- 
as roughness and slope. 
analysis of the elevation 
1d derivatives renders the 
oth, therefore the deriva- 
nall (for example see the 
tween the solid arrows). 
of bumps contouring the 
ple around dashed arrow 
zhness resulting large and 
re 2(b)-(c)). To suppress 
tion profile was smoothed 
; of increasing width. The 
elevation profiles was in- 
'endering the lake bound- 
determination of surface 
' laser waveform. For hor- 
re the roughness scale is 
| surface roughness within 
m the pulse width of the 
his approximation is valid 
ce and for large footprint 
ore complicated surfaces 
and Jordan, 1988] might 
n floor as an anisotropic, 
to recover second order 
ation, characteristic wave 
»ension of seafloor topog- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
| M 
OA A N Aa + LA mmm pee Az 
e ETT E 
10 20 (km) 
Figure 2: Object recognition from surface elevation and roughness 
on laser altimetry profile in the area depicted in Fig. 1. Solid arrows 
mark lake boundaries and the dashed arrow points to a ripple zone. 
(a) Surface elevation from airborne laser profiling, (b) first, and (c) 
second derivatives, and (d) second derivative of elevation profile 
smoothed by convolution with a Gaussian kernel. 
4 Error model of ALR 
The 0.1-0.2 m accuracy of ALR provided by the 
service providers [Flood, 1999] and investigators (e.g., 
[Krabill et al., 1995]) refers for flat or gently sloping surfaces, 
low to medium flight height, and for objects with high surface 
reflectivity. In this "ideal’ case, the height accuracy consists 
of a 0.05-0.15 m fairly constant error from GPS and laser 
ranging (for GPS baselines shorter than say 100 km), and an 
error of ca. 0.5-2 cm per 100 m of flying height for typical 
attitude errors and a scan angle of 30 ? [Baltsavias, 1999]. 
[Schenk et al., 1999] examines the resulting surface errors 
for horizontal and sloped surfaces. His simple error analy- 
sis demonstrates that the errors are complicated functions of 
topography, flight direction and the systematic positioning 
and attitude determination errors. 
No comprehensive analysis has been attempted yet for quan- 
tifying the error of ALR for complex, 3D surfaces. It is known 
that larger errors tend to appear along vertical and steep ob- 
ject boundaries since the same planimetric error manifests 
in larger elevation error on steep slopes than on flat sur- 
faces. There is also an increase in ranging error where abrupt 
changes in elevation and surface normal occur within the laser 
footprint. This error depends on several factors, such as the 
ranging principle used by the laser system, the distribution 
of the elevations within the footprint, and the background 
noise. [Gardner, 1992] uses closed form equations of the laser 
return waveforms to describe the increase of the ranging er- 
ror on sloping or random rough surfaces caused by the pulse 
broadening. His result is supported by the observations of 
[Kraus and Pfeifer, 1998] who report that with increasing ter- 
rain slope and roughness, the height accuracy deteriorates to 
0.5-1 m for 1000 m flying height. 
These results suggest that the surface error of ALR has non- 
Gaussian distribution. Larger errors, possibly outliers are ex- 
pected for example on steep slopes and along object bound- 
5 Robust segmentation algorithm 
In this paper we present an autonomous, statistically robust, 
sequential estimator (RSE) approach to simultaneously pa- 
rameterize and organize laser surfaces. Details of the proce- 
dure, including the mathematical background, has been pub- 
lished in [Boyer et al., 1994]. The approach is recommended 
for the segmentation of noisy, outlier-ridden (not Gaussian) 
laser points into smooth surface patches. Unlike most existing 
techniques, this method creates complete surface hypotheses. 
5.1 Mathematical model 
We assume that surface elevations z; = (x4, yi) are measured 
by ALR at n arbitrary locations. Then, a general linear re- 
gression model fitting a (generally nonlinear) function of p 
parameters can be written as: 
Zi = 1;101 +... + Tipp + €; (1) 
for íi — 1,..,n, where ej; represents a disturbance (error, 
noise) in the observation. For example, with p = 6,xi1 = 
1,042 = UT DL mS STE Tao PA and 
with 01 = a,02 = b, and so on, we can fit a function of the 
fr y) = a + be. + oy + doy + ex’ + fff (2) 
In matrix notation, eq. 1 is represented as follows: 
z=X0+e (3) 
where z is an n-vector of observations on the dependent vari- 
able (elevation), X is an n x p matrix of observation on the 
explanatory variable (the horizontal coordinates of the obser- 
vations and their polynomials) having rank p, 0 is a p-vector 
of parameters to be estimated (parameters of fitted surfaces), 
and e is an n-vector of disturbances (errors in elevation) 
Only planar and biquadratic surfaces can be fitted in the cur- 
rent implementation of the algorithm. However, the algo- 
rithm is general and can be, in principle, extended to any 
number of parameters. Based on the arguments presented in 
Section 4 we assume that the error distribution of ALR data 
is non-Gaussian and contaminated by outliers around object 
boundaries. Since heavy tailed error distributions are reason- 
ably represented by a t(Student)-distribution, a t-distribution 
having degree of freedom f and scaled by a parameter o was 
chosen as a stochastic model. 
5.2 Preprocessing of ALR data 
The preprocessing involves the computation of the laser foot- 
print position in a global, geographic coordinate system. De- 
tails on how to establish the relationship between the laser 
range and the attitude and position of the aircraft are given 
for example in [Vaughn et al., 1996]. We omit here these 
details and assume that the positions of the laser footprints 
in a Cartesian coordinate system are made available for the 
Interpolation The RSE algorithm like most other segmen- 
tation algorithms has originally been developed for close- 
range applications and it works on range images rather than a 

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