Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

cloud of 3-D points having no topological relationship. There- 
fore the raw laser data should be interpolated into a regular 
grid on the xy plane prior to segmentation. Owing to the 
quasi random distribution of the laser points the interpola- 
tion errors are usually large, especially near breaklines. 
ALR data acquired by the Airborne Topographic Mapper con- 
ical scanner [Krabill et al., 1995] at the Commission Ill test 
site in Ocean City, MD ([Csathó et al., 1998]) are used to il- 
lustrate some of the problems (Figure 3). Figure 3(b) shows 
the distribution of the laser points in 2D. The contour map 
is created by using a TIN model based interpolation. In ad- 
dition to the distribution of the laser points let us consider 
the location of the laser system relative to the building. The 
aircraft passed the building on its left, so the laser was firing 
from the left producing illuminated footprints on the ground, 
on the roof on the building and on the walls. Small segments 
of two scans are marked by gray squares and circles in Fig- 
ure 3(b). A few laser points are located on the wall which is 
close to the sensor (left side in (b) and front of building in 
(a)), and there is some occlusion on the opposite side (right 
side in (b)). The distribution of the laser points on the near 
side is quite irregular, probably owing to the irregular outline 
of the building and the balconies (Figure 3(a)). 
The surface depicted in Figure 3(c) is interpolated by using 
minimum curvature spline interpolation. This method min- 
imizes the total curvature and the surface is not allowed to 
bend sharply. This results overshooting at corners or along 
edges (Note the peaks around the roof of the building). Fig- 
ure 3(d) shows the surface interpolated by using a TIN model 
based linear interpolation. The TIN model provides a better, 
but visually not very pleasing solution. The resulting triangles 
give a tent like appearance, moreover many points interpo- 
lated along the side of the building have large elevation errors 
[Schenk et al., 1999]. 
5.3 The procedure 
After the preprocessing and interpolation the data are seg- 
mented by a robust sequential estimator (RSE) procedure. 
The major steps of the RSE approach are summarized in 
Fig. 4. 
The algorithms first selects appropriate seed points that repre- 
sent possible surfaces. For each nonredundant seed it chooses 
the best approximation from the selection of planar and bi- 
quadratic models, using a modified Akaike Information Crite- 
rion. With this best model, each surface is expanded from its 
seed over the entire image; this step is repeated for all seeds. 
The most significant and novel features of the algorithm, the 
seed selection, model choice and expand operations are em- 
bedded in a loop. The procedure starts with stringent criteria 
for smoothness and minimum size of the seed regions and the 
thresholds are decreased in every iteration. The seed selec- 
tion stops when all data is assigned to at least one surface. 
The remaining steps of pruning, removing and filling are sim- 
ple postprocessing heuristics. The procedure ends with or- 
ganizing the regions into a complete, non-ambiguous scene 
5.4 Seed selection 
Ideally, seed regions are selected within every independent 
surface. Redundant seeds increase the computational bur- 
den and risk of over segmentation, while missing seeds could 
leave surfaces unmodeled. Surface fitting for region growing 
starts in every seed region. There are different approaches for 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
Figure 3: Interpolation of laser points. (a) Photograph of the 
building, (b) Contour map of the building from laser points using 
TIN model based linear interpolation, square and circle mark laser 
footprint belonging to the same scan line, spiral shows the perspec- 
tive center of the photograph in (a), (c) interpolation of laser data 
by minimum curvature method, (d) interpolation of laser data by 
linear interpolation of TIN model. 
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Figure 4: Block di: 
seed selection. For 
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remain. By a seed | 
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the largest, contig 
dant seeds are elim 
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5.5 Choosing be 
The next step is to 
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procedure used for 
Robust M-Estima 
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squares (IRLS). Le

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