Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

in documentation provided, along with the data set, at 
The manner in which a GTOPO30 elevation value in a 30 arc 
second grid cell represents the topography for that portion of 
the Earth’s surface varies depending on the data source and on 
processing methods which varied between continents. 
Processing of the raster source data involved generalising the 
higher resolution data to the 30 arc second horizontal grid 
spacing. As the GTOPO30 project progressed, several methods 
of generalisation were used. Selection of the representative 30- 
arc second value was accomplished by systematic subsampling 
for North and South America, by calculation of the median 
value for Eurasia, and by the breakline emphasis approach 
(Gesch and Larson, 1996) for Africa (essentially selecting either 
the maximum or minimum value from the higher resolution 
grid). The 500-meter New Zealand DEM was generalised to 
30-arc seconds by reprojecting it from the New Zealand 
National Grid projection to geographic co-ordinates using 
bilinear resampling. The topographic information from the 
vector cartographic sources was converted into elevation grids 
through a vector-to-raster gridding approach. Contours, spot 
heights, stream lines, lake shorelines, and ocean coastlines were 
input to the ANUDEM surface gridding program developed at 
the Australian National University (Hutchinson, 1989). 
ANUDEM employs an approach known as drainage 
enforcement to produce raster elevation models that represent 
more closely the actual terrain surface and contain fewer 
artefacts than those produced with more general purpose surface 
interpolation routines. 
The absolute vertical accuracy of GTOPO30 varies by location 
according to the source data. Generally, the areas derived from 
the raster source data have higher accuracy than those derived 
from the vector source data. The vertical accuracy associated 
with each source type is provided in Table 1, either from 
product specifications, calculation or estimation. For DTED, 
and the derived USGS DEM's, vertical accuracy specifications 
are provided by NIMA. However, these are generalised 
specifications and the method for establishing DTED accuracy 
Source 90% LE RMSE 
DTED 30 18 
USGS DEM 30 18 
N.Z. DEM 15 9 
DCW 160 97 
AMS maps 250 152 
IMW maps 50 30 
Peru map 500 304 
ADD variable variable 
Table 1. GTOPO30 absolute vertical accuracy by source, as 
linear error at the 90% confidence level (90% LE) and as root 
mean square error (RMSE). 
is not documented. DTED accuracy is known to vary 
geographically and with method of production. The DCW 
accuracy reported in Table 1 was obtained by calculating 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
differences with respect to DTED in areas of overlap. The 
accuracies of the other sources were estimated from their 
contour interval. The assumptions used in deriving the 
accuracies in Table 1 are detailed in the online documentation 
provided with the data set. 
1.2; Shuttle Laser Altimeter 
SLA, developed at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, was 
designed as a pathfinder experiment to evaluate engineering and 
algorithm techniques for obtaining high-resolution, orbital laser 
altimeter observations of terrestrial surfaces. The first flight of 
the SLA instrument was in January 1996 aboard the space 
shuttle Endeavour on the STS-72 mission. Of the 
approximately 3 million laser shots transmitted during the 
course of the 10 day mission, approximately 475,000 yielded 
geolocated laser returns from land surfaces. Due to the shuttle 
orbit inclination, the SLA observations are distributed between 
28.45° N and S latitudes. Details on the SLA-01 
instrumentation and results are provided in Bufton et al. (1995, 
1999) and Garvin et al. (1998). The geolocation processing of 
the SLA-01 laser footprints used essentially the same methods 
as those for SLA-02, described elsewhere in this volume by 
Carabajal et al. (2000). SLA data sets and documentation are 
available at http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/lapf. 
SLA utilises a first-return ranging scheme yielding geolocated 
elevations that correspond to the highest detected surface within 
the 100 m diameter footprint. Detection of a surface requires 
reception of sufficient backscatter energy exceeding the 
instrument detection threshold. The backscatter return depends 
on the nadir-projected area of the laser-illuminated surface, its 
reflectance at the 1064 nm laser wavelength, and atmospheric 
transmissivity. The detection threshold is varied as the 
background optical noise level changes. The background noise 
is dependent on the amount of solar illumination (e.g., day 
versus night) and the reflectance of the surface observed by the 
receiver field-of-view. For  cloud-free locations where 
vegetation is present, the geolocated elevation will depend on 
the density and spatial organisation of the vegetation. For areas 
with sufficiently dense vegetation cover the reported elevation 
will correspond to the top of the vegetation canopy. Similarly, 
in urbanised areas the geolocated elevation will depend on the 
spatial organisation of buildings, corresponding to the building 
top with sufficient area and reflectance to cause the detection 
threshold to be exceeded. In cloud-free areas lacking vegetation 
or buildings, the elevation corresponds to the highest ground 
surface of sufficient area and reflectance. Where optically 
dense clouds are present, SLA-01 yields a cloud-top elevation. 
The vertical accuracy of the SLA elevation data has been 
assessed for flat surfaces by comparison to Mean Sea Surface 
ocean topography, derived from TOPEX/Poseidon radar 
altimeter data, with a correction applied for ocean tides but not 
for sea state (Carabajal et al., 2000). For nearly 728,000 SLA- 
01 ocean surface returns the resulting residuals show a near 
Gaussian distribution with a mean difference of 0.26 m and a 
standard deviation of 2.78 m (Garvin et al., 1998). The 
observed deviations from the ocean surface are thought to be 
primarily due to long-wavelength orbit errors (e.g., once or 
twice per revolutior 
these errors using si 
the correction over | 
The horizontal accu 
reported SLA foot 
several hundred met 
instrument  pointin 
topography profiles 
2. SLA VE 
SLA-01 elevations 
within a 100 mete 
elevations are 'repr 
grid cells (approxir 
elevations in the 
elevations refer t 
approximately 0.896 
cell. Also, the mani 
the topography vari 
described above. 
topography is sa 
GTOPO30 elevatior 
particularly in areas 
high absolute vertic 
number of observati 
be assessed in a stati 
GTOPO30 elevatior 
datum, an approx 
elevations refer to 
frame. SLA elevati 
heights with respect 
at the footprint as 
(EGM96) (Lemoin 
differences were the 
GTOPO30 elevatior 
interpolated GTOP( 
footprint location 
nearest GTOPO30 
computed for the f 
SLA-01 ground trac 
Arabia, southern As 
America south of 
Carabajal et al. (2X 
The elevation differ 
GTOP30) are summ 
in Table 3 as a fun 
Only elevation diff 
included in an effor 
the land surface. 
show distributions 
differences well le 
number of land surf

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