Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

A, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
in areas of overlap. The 
were estimated from their 
ons used in deriving the 
in the online documentation 
rd Space Flight Center, was 
t to evaluate engineering and 
high-resolution, orbital laser 
surfaces. The first flight of 
ary 1996 aboard the space 
S-72 mission. Of the 
ots transmitted during the 
roximately 475,000 yielded 
surfaces. Due to the shuttle 
ions are distributed between 
Details on the SLA-01 
vided in Bufton et al. (1995, 
1e geolocation processing of 
ssentially the same methods 
Isewhere in this volume by 
sets and documentation are 
scheme yielding geolocated 
ghest detected surface within 
tection of a surface requires 
ter energy exceeding the 
e backscatter return depends 
laser-illuminated surface, its 
vavelength, and atmospheric 
hreshold is varied as the 
nges. The background noise 
olar illumination (e.g., day 
‘the surface observed by the 
oud-free locations where 
ed elevation will depend on 
of the vegetation. For areas 
cover the reported elevation 
egetation canopy. Similarly, 
:evation will depend on the 
orresponding to the building 
tance to cause the detection 
free areas lacking vegetation 
onds to the highest ground 
flectance. Where optically 
ields a cloud-top elevation. 
A elevation data has been 
arison to Mean Sea Surface 
n TOPEX/Poseidon radar 
plied for ocean tides but not 
). For nearly 728,000 SLA- 
Iting residuals show a near 
difference of 0.26 m and a 
3arvin et al, 1998). The 
in surface are thought to be 
orbit errors (e.g., once or 
twice per revolution). A procedure was developed to correct 
these errors using smoothed ocean residuals and to extrapolate 
the correction over land, as described in Carabajal et al. (2000). 
The horizontal accuracy has not been as well quantified but the 
reported SLA footprint locations are thought to be within 
several hundred meters of their actual location based on inferred 
instrument pointing uncertainty and by matching SLA 
topography profiles to 90 m resolution DTED. 
SLA-01 elevations correspond to the highest detected surface 
within a 100 meter diameter footprint whereas GTOPO30 
elevations are 'representative' of elevations in 30 arc second 
grid cells (approximately a 1 km x 1 km area). Therefore, 
elevations in the two data sets are not equivalent; SLA 
elevations refer to a specific location covering only 
approximately 0.8% of the area represented by a GTOPO30 grid 
cell. Also, the manner in which GTOPO30 is representative of 
the topography varies as a function of source and continent, as 
described above. Because of these differences in the way 
topography is sampled, differences between SLA and 
GTOPO30 elevations may be large for an individual footprint, 
particularly in areas of high relief. However, because of the 
high absolute vertical accuracy of the SLA data and the large 
number of observations, the GTOPO30 elevation accuracy can 
be assessed in a statistical sense using the SLA data. 
GTOPO30 elevations are referenced to a mean sea level vertical 
datum, an approximation of the geoid, whereas SLA-01 
elevations refer to the TOPEX/Poseidon ellipsoid reference 
frame. SLA elevations were therefore converted to orthometric 
heights with respect to the geoid by subtracting the geoid height 
at the footprint as defined by the Earth Geoid Model 96 
(EGM96) (Lemoine et al, 1998) SLA to GTOPO30 
differences were then computed by subtracting an interpolated 
GTOPO30 elevation from the SLA orthometric elevation. The 
interpolated GTOPO30 elevation was computed for the SLA 
footprint location by bilinear interpolation using the four 
nearest GTOPO30 grid cells. Elevation differences were 
computed for the four regions having the greatest density of 
SLA-01 ground tracks. The regions are Africa including Saudi 
Arabia, southern Asia between 60? and 120? E longitude, South 
America south of 10? S latitude, and Australia. Refer to 
Carabajal et al. (2000) for a global map of SLA-01 ground 
The elevation differences (SLA orthometric minus interpolated 
GTOP30) are summarised in Table 2 as a function of region and 
in Table 3 as a function of region and GTOPO30 data source. 
Only elevation differences less than or equal to 200 m are 
included in an effort to exclude SLA returns from clouds above 
the land surface. Histograms of differences for each region 
show distributions that decrease to near zero at elevation 
differences well less than 200 m, indicating no significant 
number of land surface returns are excluded. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Hemote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
Region Number of Mean St. Dev. 
Differences (m) (m) 
Africa 244,640 -1.40 44.75 
Southern Asia 109,286 14.22 49.03 
South America 50,602 6.78 53.32 
Australia 29,139 -21.72 48.92 
Table 2. Mean and standard deviation of elevation 
differences (SLA-01 orthometric minus interpolated GTOPO30) 
as a function of geographic region. 
Region and Number of Mean St. Dev. 
ource Differences (m) (m) 
Africa DTED 134,062 2.00 28.88 
Africa DCW 109,240 -5.64 58.46 
S. Asia DTED 97,804 15.30 45.73 
S. Asia DCW 10,654 4.98 72.64 
S. Am. DTED 27,583 16.22 32.12 
S. Am. DCW 21.112 -4.31 69.09 
S. Am. AMS 498 -39.88 86.71 
S. Am. IMW 1147 3.39 S3.75 
Australia DCW 29,139 -21.72 48.92 
Table 3. Mean and standard deviation of elevation differences 
(SLA-01 orthometric minus interpolated GTOPO30) as a 
function of region and source. 
The mean differences in Table 2 are indicative of systematic 
biases between the two data sets on continental scales, with the 
southern Asia and South America regions being systematically 
higher in the SLA data, Africa showing little systematic 
difference, and Australia being systematically lower. For flat 
surfaces SLA elevations show little bias, based on the near-zero 
mean difference with respect to the ocean surface. However, 
one might expect SLA land elevations to be systematically 
biased high in the presence of vegetation cover, buildings or 
high local relief at the footprint scale due to the first return 
ranging. This might account for the mean SLA to GTOPO30 
differences observed in southern Asia and South America. 
However, if that were the case one would also expect the 
extensive forested landscapes of Africa to yield a positive mean 
difference that is not observed. The large negative mean for 
Australia is also contrary to an expected high SLA bias. 
A bias could also be introduced in converting SLA from 
ellipsoid to orthometric elevations. However, the formal root 
mean square error at long wavelengths for EGMO6 is less than 
50 cm (Lemoine et al., 1998), and the ellipsoid references used 
for SLA and EGM96 agree at the centimetre level. Therefore, 
the continental variations in mean differences must at least in 
part be due to systematic errors in the GTOPO30 data set. 
These systematic errors may well be due to deviations from 
mean sea level of the vertical datums in the GTOPO30 source 
materials. The variations in mean differences between data 
sources for individual regions (Table 3) indicate that there are

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