Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

datum discrepancies incorporated in GTOPO30 on the order of 
10 m. 
With the incorporation of improved and fully analysed 
backscatter waveforms in the SLA-02 data set (Carabajal et al., 
2000), a more rigorous assessment of regional biases can be 
performed. The waveforms record the within-footprint height 
distribution of backscattered laser energy, characterising surface 
relief caused by vegetation, buildings and ground slope and 
roughness. Comparison of highest, mean and lowest detected 
elevations within SLA-02 footprints to DEM's will reduce bias 
effects due to first-return ranging. 
The standard deviations in Table 2 and 3 are likely a 
consequence of four sources of difference. One is the sampling 
issue whereby the SLA point observation is not equivalent to 
the representative GTOPO30 grid cell value; as local relief 
increases, the sampling difference will cause larger standard 
deviations. A second source is the spatially heterogeneous 
nature of vegetation and urban cover causing a ‘random’ SLA 
error; in some places SLA is measuring canopy or building tops 
whereas in other locations bare ground is measured. A third 
source is actual random error in the SLA elevation results. For 
flat surfaces this error is small, as indicated by the narrow 
distribution of residuals with respect to the ocean surface 
(Garvin et al., 1998), but as surface slope increases random 
error due to pointing uncertainty increases (Harding et al., 
1994). The final source is any random error in the GTOPO30 
It is not possible from this analysis to separate these four 
contributions to the observed standard deviations of elevation 
differences. However, the analysis does show that the raster 
based source material (DTED in the regions studied) does have 
less error as compared to the sources based on 1:1,000,000 
scale contour maps, as expected (Table 1). Separation of the 
four sources of elevation difference could be achieved by 
examining SLA elevation repeatability in the vicinity of ground- 
track cross-overs as a function of local relief, land cover, and 
distance between laser footprints and comparing that to SLA to 
GTOPO30 differences as a function of local relief and land 
The flight of SLA has provided the first opportunity to utilise 
orbital laser altimeter data in an accuracy assessment of global 
DEM's of the Earth. The consistent reference frame, high 
absolute accuracy, and ability to range to all types of land 
surfaces, regardless of cover or relief conditions, makes orbital 
laser altimeter observations well suited for characterisation of 
systematic biases in global DEM's. However, sampling 
differences between the laser altimeter data and 1 km gridded 
DEM's lead to differences in the manner in which topography is 
represented and thus contribute to the variation observed in 
altimeter to DEM elevation differences. 
Through this study methodologies have been developed which 
will be applied using Vegetation Canopy Lidar (VCL) and Ice, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) laser altimeter 
profiles to validate the accuracy of a 30 m resolution global 
DEM to be produced by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 
(SRTM). SRTM, scheduled for launch in January 2000, is a 
joint project between NIMA, the National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration (NASA), the California Institute of 
Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and DLR. VCL, the 
first in NASA’s Earth System Science Pathfinder spacecraft 
series, is led by the University of Maryland and is scheduled for 
launch in September 2000. ICESat, a part of NASA’s EOS 
flight program, is scheduled for launch in 2001. Integration of 
VCL, ICESat and SRTM topographic data will lead to a global 
representation of Earth topography with unprecedented 
resolution and documented accuracy that will greatly contribute 
to Earth science studies. 
The SLA team consisted of a large number of individuals who 
made this pathfinder experiment possible, lead by Jim Garvin, 
Project Scientist, and Jack Bufton, Project Engineer. Flight of 
the SLA instrument was made possible by the infrastructure and 
personnel of the Shuttle Small Payloads Hitchhiker Program. 
Funding and hardware for SLA was provided by the NASA 
Earth Science Enterprise, the Goddard Director’s Discretionary 
Fund, and the ICESat and Mars Observer Laser Altimeter 
The following organisations participated in the GTOPO30 
project by contributing funding or source data: the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the United 
Nations Environment Programme/Global Resource Information 
Database (UNEP/GRID), the U.S. Agency for International 
Development (USAID), the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica 
Geografica e Informatica (INEGI) of Mexico, the Geographical 
Survey Institute (GSI) of Japan, Manaaki Whenua Landcare 
Research of New Zealand, and the Scientific Committee on 
Antarctic Research (SCAR). 
Bufton, J.L., J.B. Blair, J. Cavanaugh, J.B. Garvin, D. J. 
Harding, D. Hopf, K. Kirks, S. Rabine, and N. Walsh, 1995. 
Shuttle Laser Altimeter (SLA): a pathfinder for space-based 
laser altimetry and lidar, In: Proc. Shuttle Small Payloads 
Symposium, NASA Conference Publication CR-3310, pp. 83- 
Bufton, J.L., D.H. Harding, and J.B. Garvin, 1999. Shuttle 
Laser Altimeter: Mission Results and Pathfinder 
Accomplishments, In: Proc. Shuttle Small Payloads 
Symposium, NASA Conference Publication CP-1999-209476, 
pp. 337-345. 
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NASA GSFC and t 
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