Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

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eliminated by this comparison, which does show a dereliction growth of approximately one third that 
of the area reclaimed le. 18ha of dereliction occurred over the same period In which 51ha of 
derelict land was reclaimed. Again most (95%) of this land was in the waste land (k) and demolished 
sites categories. 
Of this dereliction some 14% - 19% of the combined waste ground and demolished sites (k & h) 
categories occurs within residential areas and as such must be a priority for reclamation In terms 
of Improving environmental quality. 
In surveying the area, first by aerial photographs, then later by ground survey, It soon became 
evident how much quicker, easier, and more accurate the alr photo survey was - once Interpretat ion 
expertise had been aquired. It was also realised that a large saving In time, together with a 
reduction In ground control would have occurred had 1979 photography been available for comparison. 
The study also emphasises the need to carry out the Interpretation as soon as possible after the 
photography has been flown. This enables the maximum value to be made of the photography and enab les 
field work checks to be made on the Interpretation results. 
Since waste land and demolished sites (k & h) are relatively easy to reclaim, they are usually 
redeveloped by the private sector. These types of dereliction have a high turn-over and are 
difficult to monitor accurately. 
The remaining categories of dereliction are more severe, and more expensive to reclaim . These 
become "long term" sites which Inevitably will be left for the attention of the relatively recently 
formed local government Reclamation Teams. These teams operate on grants Issued by central 
government, giving priority to those sites which are unsafe on a worst first basis. 
1». Jo Re Oxenham, Reclaiming Derelict Land, Faber, 204pp, 1966. 
2. American Society of Photogrammetry, Manual Photogrammetry 2nd edition, 1952, Washington, 876pp. 
Collins, W.G. and Bush, P. W. "The definition of classification of derelict land", Journal of Town 
Planning Institute, 1969, 55, No 3, March pp 111 - 115. 
Collins, WG. and Bush P.W., "An air photo key for derelict land studies", TP! Journal, 1969, 55, No 
6, June pp 246 - 255. 
Collins W.G. and Bush P.W., "Aerial photography and spoiled lands In Yorkshire" TP! Journal, 1971, 
S7, No 3, pp103 - 110. 

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