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Department of Physics and Advanced Research Center
University of Alexandria,Alexandria,Egypt.
The analogy of the inverse problem of underground resistivity
sounding by two current electrodes and two colinear potential
electrodes,to the general remote sensing integral equation of
radiative transfer,has been demonstrated. Kernels of resistivity
sounding have been shown to have maxima at depths determined by
interelectrode spacing,as well as by the resistivity profile it-
self. Chahine's nonlinear relaxation technique have been suggested
to retrieve resistivity profiles to depths determined by maximum
current penetration. Optimum interelectrode Spacing-required to
reduce the number of surface measurements-have been determined by
suitable choice of kernels. A technique is suggested-in which a
uniform resistivity-depth profile is used to calculate initial
kernels. Implications are drawn by analogy to the atmospheric
sensing problem:(1) A small-suitably chosen- set of surface meas-
urements could produce nearly the same resistivity profile as any
other larger set;(2) measurements using combinations of array
configurations could be inverted,subject only to the suitable
choice of kernels;(3)it is possible to increase the resolution at
any depth by inverting higher derivatives of kernels near this
A variety of methods have been developed to solve the
general problem of determining underground resistivity - depth
profile, from surface measurements using two current electrodes
and two colinear potential electrodes(Ghosh,1971;Parker,1971;Inman
et al,1973;Inman 1975;Koefeod,1979). Nevertheless,problems assoc-
iated with measurement errors,nonlinearities and nonuniqueness
were not completely resolved. Recently,a method of interpretation
of direct current resistivity measurements using linearized Backus
and Gilbert technique,has been advanced by Oldenburg,1978. In his
method ,the resistivity is assumed to be a continuous function of
depth,and iterative technique is used to construct a resistivity
model whose calculated responses agree with observations within a
prescribed error range. The nonuniqueness of the problem was
resolved by determining only averages of resistivity at various
depths. However,even in this method, the nonlinearity of the prob-
lem prohibited definitive statements about advantages and disadva-
ntages of any particular electrode configuration until a large
variety of resistivity structures have been considered.
The purpose of this article,is to make use of the analogy
of the four electrode resistivity sounding to the general problem
of remote sensing of the atmosphere,to suggest & nonlinear relax-
ation technique that takes into account the continuous structure
of he ‘earth. The applicability of remote sensing technique makes
it possible to draw implications by analogy,concerning appropriate