Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

- offers access to the analogue and digital equipment for users, 
- operates ground based measurement campaignes in cooperation 
with other institutions and users. ; 
Let’s ‚speak about the several services provided by the RSD in more 
The archive of aerial photographs operates since the fifties. The 
map service provides topographic map sheets for the whole country 
in scale 1:10 ooo, In the framework of Intercosmos projects, about 
25 thousands multispectral aerial photographs were. taken by MKF-6 
camera at the test areas in the last 3 years. The spectral bands 
were as follows: 460-500, 520-560, 580-620, 640-680, 700-740 and 
790-890 nms. Furthermore, a wide variety of multispectral space 
photographs and infrared.scanner data are available for the user 
community. The soviet MS space imageries taken by reseau cameras 
are at our disposal on commercial basis. /Some features: flight 
altitude about 220 km, image format 18x18 cm, focal lenght 20 cm, 
Spectral wavelengths 500-600, 600-700 and 700-850 nm/ These pho- 
tographs are also suitable for standard photogrammetric evaluation. 
As a by-product at the orthophoto processing digital terrain model 
can be gained, which is useful for remote sensing application pro- 
jects like thematic slope mapping etc. The nominal surface resolu- 
tion 20 m enables photomap production at scale 1:100 ooo or even 
1:50. 000. ; 
Landsat imageries are ordered from Fucino and Kiruna according to 
the contract with the European Space Agency. At the RSD the fol- 
lowing data products are available for users: Landsat MSS Quick 
looks, listing of Landsat CCTS and transparencies /the current 
holding is at this time 21 MSS and 1 RBV on CCT and over 50 trans- 
parencies/, annotated, contrast stretched and destripped master 
negatives, composits generated on filmwriter etc./ Other photogra- 
phic products /b/w, colour slides, paper prints/ in larger volume 
are scheduled so far as the own photographic lab will be fully 
The RSD informs users in many waysThe 2nd issue of the Information 
Bulletin has been published. The next, revised and updated editi- 
on is planned for this year. In the meantime, important informa- 
tion are distributed in form of newsletters. 
A great deal of effort has been devoted during the past 16 
months to prepare the establishment of the SCRAS, The financial 
and organisational aspects already have been mentioned. Let's spe- 
ak about the personnel resources. They are about 20 people, mathe- 
maticians, physicists, soil specialist, photogrammeters, cartogra- 
pher, electrical engineer and photo lab experts. Eight of them 
deal with digital processing, the rest is busy with the analogue 
The present hardware available for the digital lab is as follows 
/See Fig.2./: 
- Optronics Colormation C-4500, The configuration consits of an 
LSI 2 microcomputer with 32 Kby, 800 bpi tape unit, paper tape 
reader/puncher, typewriter and the digitizer/filmwriter unit, 
- Honeywell Bull 66/20D. This large capacity general purpose com- 
puter with dual processor is used for development of the appli- 
cation programs, its resources are hired and a telecommunication 
link exists between the host and the department's terminal 
workstation lo kms away, 
- DEC PDP 11/40 minicomputer. The configuration is the property of 
the Budapest Surveying and Mapping Company located in the same 
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