Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

highwa- Summarizing our R+D activity, the first results show, we are 
inter- on the right way but at the very beginning concerning the methodolo- 
gical studies and operational applications, so we will focussed on 
the following topics: 
- operational support service for the user community, 
- advanced pattern recognition, 
- computerized thematic mapping, 
- peference data handling 
- continuous upgrading of the. hardware/software 
- execution of well defined application programs joining experts 
from the user side /urban development, wildlife management ,forest- 
ry, environmental protection, water management, ecopotential 
determination efc./ /Fig.5/ 
= study on economic efficiency,. 
- preparation for the data handling related to the new family of 
satellites with a better spatial and spectral resolution. Our 
technical staff is ready to solve these problems. Finally, a list 
of some reports is given in the References. The papers written 
in Hungarian present in all case a summary in English. 
1 Szentesi, A.: A Landsat felvételek és numerikus feldolgozásuk 
/Landsat images and their numerical analysis/. Geodézia és Kar- 
tográfia 1978/4 pp. 260-265 
2 Büttner, Gy.: Képiró-olvasó berendezés alkalmazási lehetóségei 
a távérzékelt adatok feldolgozásában /Prospects of use for Co- 
lormation in processing of data gained by remote sensing/.Geo- 
dézia és Kartográfia 1981/5 
3 Csató, E. et al: Ur- és légifelvételek fäldhasznositäsi célu in- 
terpretálásának egy módszere/A method for application of aerial 
and space imageries in land use mapping./ Remote Sensing Confe- 
rence, Brno, Sept. 14-16, 1981 : 
4 Csillag, F. - Remetey F.G.: Ürfelvételek digitális szürése I-II 
/Digital filtering of satellite images/.Geodézia és Kartográfia 
5 Csillag, F. et 31: Short Notes on the Kiskore Project. Remote 
Sensing Symposium, Warsaw, 1981 September 
6 Winkler, P.: A légi- és ürfelvételekról. Alkalmazási lehetóségek 
a mezógazdaságban. /Application possibilities of aerial and spa- 
ce imageries for agriculture/. Magyar Mezógazdaság Vol.37.No.3. 
7 Remetey F.G.: The Activity of the IG&C in Remote Sensing Appli- 
cations.Remote Sensing Symposium organised by the Royal Swedish 
Academy of Sciences. Stockholm, April 23,1982 
8 IG&C: Remote Sensing Technique. Interpress Expo Magazine 1982/1 
/Issue devoted to the "Man and his Environment"/ 
9 Gothár, A. - Remetey F.G.: Digital image processing of remotely 
sensed data. Austrian-Hungarian DECUS Symposium Sopron, May 5-7. 
lo Büttner, Gy. et al: Multispectral Observations of. Asricultural 
Fields in the Kiskôre Test Area. IGARRS'82 - an IEEE-NASA-ESA 
Conference on "The Promise of Remote Sensing" Munich,June 1-4, 
11 Bittner, Oy. et al: A távérzékelés egy gyakorlati alkalmazása 
Abádszalók térségében/A case study about practical use of remote 
sensing in the Abádszalók area/. Geodézia és Kartográfia 1982/3 
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