| the correction of reflection is linear for water within the used temperature in-
| terval (see fig.3).
The differences in the variances can be regarded as significant. This was con- BUE
trolled with a statistical F-test for a 95 %-confidence level. The effect of SRF
and atmospheric correction is demonstrated in Fig.14, the difference image of
filtered, corrected and original data. EHL
The used procedure for filtering can also be applied to other surfaces than water
changing only the linear approximation. Especially for water this filter technique
is very useful because of the low signal-to-noise ratio compared to land surfaces. KOL
Fig. 14: Difference Original/Result- Fig. 15: Magnitude of atmospheric SFE
image correction
; ; SFE
Table 1: Temperature Accuracies
original, after labora- after labora- after laboratory
data tory calibra- | tory calibration| calibration, SRF
tion and atmospheric | and atmospheric
correction correction
error fai [ex] 2.37 1.00 0.20 0.11
standard deviation
Jd fo 0.36 0.54 0.24 0.10
gei. iod