Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

overviews. These have been compiled about two decades ago, and for their re- 
work remote sensing should not be neglected, as it proves to be & useful tool 
ps (II) even in cultured landscapes of temperate climates. 
Legend of map 2: Interpretation for soil survey 
> and 
Code | Parent material Parcelling pattern Relief Soils 
° . \ 
grass- A Glacial drift, small and large, knob and kettle Lessivés, Pseudo- 
loamy and marly irregular gleys and rich 
1g-down. ed. Brown Earths 
en AB 1 Glacial outwash rectangular, very level to undu-  Podsols and 
on glacial drift, regular lating Brown Earths 
sand and loam 
AB 2 | Glacial'oùtwash small, undulating Lessivated or 
on glacial irregular podsolized 
drift, loam Brown Earths 
and sand 
B Glacial outwash, rectangular level to undu-  Podsols 
sandy very regular lating 
B 2 Glacial outwash, rectangular level to undu- Gley-podsols 
sandy moderate re- lating and wet humic 
gular Podsols 
G Organic ma- none, level depres- Bog and Fen, 
|) and terial over grassland sions Gleys 
: glacial drift 
' soil or outwash 
portant : Other signs: 
be Cities SS Coniferous forest 
& ........ 
Peat cutting 
Sand and gravel pits 
Broadleaf forest 
d the 
P. s 
DONKER, N.H.W. and MULDER, N.J., 1977: Analysis of MSS digital imagery with the 
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JAKOB, J., 1980: Landnutzung und Parzellierungsmuster auf LANDSAT Bildern - 
eine Hilfe zur Bodenregionalisierung Norddeutscher Landschaften. 
Intern. Arch. of Photogrammetry Vol. XXIII, Part VII, 477-486 
JAKOB, J. and LAMP, J., 1978: The compilation of agro-phenological crop-calen- 
dars for remote sensing of cultured landscapes. Intern. Archives of 
Photogrammetry Vol. XXII-T, 1587-1597 
SCHMIDT-FALKENBERG, H., 1980: Über Analogieschlüsse in der Photointerpretation. 
Intern. Archives of Photogrammetry Vol. XXIII, Part 8, 812-818 
MÜHLFELD, R., 1976: Relationship between vegetation, soil, bedrock and other 
geologic features in moderate humid climates (Central Europe) as 
seen in ERTS-imagery. Geol. Jahrbuch, Reihe A, Heft 33, 21-35 

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