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n of concealed by the sedimentary cover. Such information expands the
le to knowledge of the history of the Earth geological evolution and of
d iden- the distribution of minerals (5).
and : :
maps Space images are also used when solving certain problems re-
lated to the regional geological investigation of the country. A
new type of regional geological investigations - space photogeolo-
hic ical mapping has appeared which makes it possible to varify the
elop- eT EE nn an of large areas, identify deep-seated structu-
for ral features and compile multi-purpose small scale maps which are
ial called space photogeological maps (2).
rm Such maps &re used to reveal previously unknown factors gover-
ning the distribution of mineral deposits, to revise and update
ntain maps of the geological content, tectonic, geodynamic and other con-
the structions, to solve certain engineering-geological, hydrogeologi-
namics cal, mineral-exploration and other problems as well as to plan fu-
iora- ture geological exploration.
aco In 1976-1980, space photogeological mapping was undertaken
over an area of 6 million in the Baikal-Amur Railway region,
lization Okhotsko-Chukotskiy Volcanic Belt, East Siberian Platform, West
Oo the Siberia, Aral-Caspian region etc. In 1980, the Space Geological
Map of Linear and Ring Structures of the USSR on scale of
nt 1:5 000 000 was published (5).
Haye: Currently, the technique of the compilation of mineral pre-
, diction maps of various scales is being elaborated on the basis
of space photogeological maps, available geophysical and geoche-
form mical data and information on mineral deposits. Space photomine--
ne Li mapping should help select proper trends of mineral explo-
Tation Thus, space geological investigations help substantially im-
prove the economic efficiency of the geological investigation of
eologi- the country territory and mineral exploration due to the proper
| 510 — selection of ground-based exploration trends as well as rational
ge allocation of labour and money when solving certain problems.
Cane Further development of space geological techniques is, pri-
ins marely, related to the general development of space survey tech-
nology which makes it possible to obtain most informative data on
2E the Earth in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum,
L'on t as well as to the elaboration of new methods and means of data
eren processing and interpretation to extract maximum geological in-
formation. Naturally, many methods applied in the course of pro-
cessing and analysing of aerial images are successfully used
Space when processing space images. The application of space images ob-
] tained in different spectral bands and transformed into color
tures composites makes the delineation of different geological objects
ogists more reliable.
ata. In recent years, the role of radar survey in the rapid ob-
auta taining of information on the Earth's surface has greatly increas-
ed. The "Toros" side-looking radar system is being successfully
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