Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

rified in terrain (partially) but it is enough reliable to conclude that this me- 
thodology should be employed in the preliminar exploration steps of a geothermal 
field, because many efforts and time could be saved due to its great value to allow 
the planing of geologic field activities, As a main result, this experience show- 
ed many structural features (geologic faults and linements) that could not be iden 
tified through conventional means. In the other hand, the main geologic units that 
had been formerly identified through conventional means, are also contained in this 
remote sensing data. For more details in this experience, please see Refs.  1,2,3. 
A successful pilot experience was developed (1981) over Del Maule La- 
goon zone (Fig. 3), Central Zone of Chile. Because airborne remote sensors are 
adequate for detailed studies of previously identified geothermal fields, it was 
necessary to develop a methodology to identify new areas of geothermal activity 
(prospection stage). Because no thermal satellite images were available from Land- 
sat, an interesting methodology was determined to be used over snowed areas in Los 
Andes Range. This methodology is based in the indirect identification of thermal 
activity through the observation of the abnormal snowmelting conditions near vol- 
canic structures. 
Four Landsat multispectral and multitemporal images were used over this 
pilot zone (Sep. 6, 1977; Dec. 9,1978; Apr. 19, 1978; Feb. 1, 1979). These images 
were acquired to Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brasil, in traditional 
false color composites, scale 1: 250.000. These colored images allowed to enhance 
certain features, such as snow, vegetation and water bodies, near volcanic struc- 
tures, This methodology is based on the corelation of permanent features(geologic 
faults and linements, volcanic structures, hydrothermal alteration zones, identi- 
fied geothermal sources, topography, hydrologic net) and variable features (snow 
distribution near volcanic areas, vegetation and water bodies variations in snowed 
areas). Three steps must be followed to obtain results: 1) Compilation of geologic 
antecedents, through the use of existing information and Landsat images (specially 
useful to identify volcanic structures, enhanced by snow distribution,and also geo 
logic faults and linements); these permanent features can be summarized on a trans- 
parent map. 2) Analysis of variable features (through the use of multispectral/ 
tio geo - | multitemporal Landsat images); specially interesting areas are those zones where 
sociated liquid water or vegetation spots remain abnormally uniced during cold season due 
sion). to the proximity of volcanic structures. 3) Integral analysis of the information 
obtained in steps l and 2. A new map of forecasted potential areas of geothermal 
activity is here produced and these areas must be confirmed or discarded by using 
. existing information or by doing field verification activities. 
T In this pilot experience, all the existing or known geothermal sources 
350 were included in the forecasted areas and field activities allowed to confirm other 
s- forecasted areas (Photo 4 , Fig. 4). This pilot experience was very successful. 
T However, new areas must be studied along Chile to obtain a general methodology, 
z valid for the whole country (because snow distribution varies too much from North 
à J to South along Chile). This methodology does not assure 100% reliability : it 
aut mainly identifies water springs and due to the proximity of these springs to vol- 
Vn. canic centers, it can be forecasted as potential sources of thermal water. Anyway, 
NO this methodology allows to reduce the prospected regional zone to some specific 
369. areas and, depending on the potential importance of these geothermal areas for the 
$ region, more detailed studies can be accomplished by using airborne remote sensors 
and field geologic activities. 
Based on the former positive results and the feasibility to monitor 
Le and volcanic activity through the observation of abnormal snowmelting near volcanic 
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