Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

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feasibility to employ Satellite Data Collection Systems to collect environmental 
data from remote sites, in a reliable, automatic and continuous way, will allow 
to collect ground environmental data related with geothermal resources in the 
next future, It is hoped that next summer 1983, a SAF airplane will take multi- 
band photographies and thermal images over selected volcanic areas in Antarctic 
Peninsula (Deception Island and others). The use of Landsat-D and SPOT images is 
also considered to study glaciers in continental Chile and Antarctic Peninsula. 
The same products used to study geothermal activity and snow-water re- 
sources can be used in the study of regional geological features (specially geo- 
logic faults and linements and volcanic structures) and so to stablish corelations 
with other geophysics parameters (such as seismic zonification alog Chile). In 
the case of Chile, seismicity is mainly produced by the tectonic interaction bet- 
ween South America and Nazca plates. Collision of these plates gives origin to a 
subduction zone and a deep oceanic trench parallel to the coast (Pacific Ocean). 
Mountains like Los Andes, volcanic structures and regional geology are associated 
also with this subduction zone (Fig. 8). Seismic evidences indicates that the down 
going slab has different inclinations, which will produce zones with different T 
seismic and volcanic characteristics.  Barazangi and Isacks (Ref. 4), using 1700 
seismic events between latitudes 0?- 45?S and longitudes between 60?-85*W, have 
delimited three major zones between 18?-45* S for the subducting plate, having 
different inclinations (Fig. 9). Consecuences of these phenomena are different 
seismicity and earthquake mechanisms for different regions and no volcanic acti- 
vity in the zone 26°-33° S (and also different regional geomorphology). Seismic 
and volcanic zonification is very important to evaluate the potential seismic and 
volcanic hazards in every region (that is very useful in civil engineering design). 
Use of remote sensing techniques will be very useful to accomplish this regional 
zonification by identifying surficial geological parameters and trends related 
with volcanic activity and seismic active faults. A better understanding about 
tectonics stress acting at the subduction zone and the associated structures ge- 
nerated by the collision of the plates can be obtained by using these informa- 
tions. Also correlations of earthquakes and geology with volcanic and no-volcanic 
zones will be intended. 
Positive results have been obtained in pilot experiences to study geo- 
thermal resources along Chile. Airborne remote sensors are being used in the de- 
tailed studies of previously identified geothermal fields (exploration stage).The 
identification of new geothermal areas (prospection stage) is being accomplished 
by using multispectral and multitemporal Landsat images over snowed areas in Los 
Andes Range. Based on these positive results and information to be shared from 
other projects to study Andean snow-water resources, a global national program 
will be intended to study snow-water resources, geothermal resources, regional 
geology and its relation with volcanic activity and regional seismic conditions. 
The use of Satellite Data Collection Systems to obtain ground environmental data 
from remote sites will accomplish these studies. Landsat-D and SPOT images will 
improve the methodologies determined by now. 
l. Araya M. and Piracés R., Use of Remote Sensing Technique to gtudy geothermal 
resources in arid and semi-arid zones in Chile, First ERIM Thematic Conference 
on Remote Sensing of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands , Paper A-19,El Cairo, 1982. 
2. Araya M.,Use of remote sensing techniques to study environmental conditions 
and natural resources in Antarctic Peninsula, IGARS-82 Symposium, Paper TA-7.4, 
Munich, 1982. 
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