The use of aerial photography as a tool in collecting environmental data in Fi
the coastal zone is well documented. Johnston et al (1980) discuss the role of
remote sensing techniques in preparation of various products for
characterization studies,and how these products,together with additional | on
remote sensing data may be used in selected coastal management decisions. |
Benton et al(1978) examined the use of seasonal aerial photography in Jo
collecting environmental information of Galveston Island, and Diez (1947). Re
demonstrated how aerial photographs could be utilized in the geological study En
of shore features and processes. Le
The availability of time sequential aerial photography of Barbados has made it Ga
possible to observe the effects of man's action on the marine environment. It
has also proved to be a valuable source of information to the resource ^
manager. Hunt (1973) utilized aerial photography and remote sensing techniques |
to acquire information on geological conditions of the sea bed of Barbados. PP
The information derived was used in the evaluation of conditions on planning,
design and construction of a sewage system for the city of Bridgetown. The
project includes a sewer system, treatment plant and ocean outfall in an
environment of coral reef formation.
Although some underwater features are discernible at all scales of the black
and white panchromatic photography, the large scale photography was best
suited to mapping sea bed condition. The availability of colour oblique aerial
photography provided superior definition of underwater features. It is
therefore strongly recommended by the authors that the planning authorities in
Il Barbados should include colour photography in their air survey coverage.
This project not only seeks to provide environmental documentation on the
conditions and processes operating in the coastal zone of Barbados but also
seeks to test the cost effectiveness of remote sensing as a data base in
developing methods and techniques to monitor changes in the environment.
Time sequential aerial photography has proved to be of considerable value in
providing information about the effects of man's action on the environment. It
does hold great potential for providing the data base on which to develop
methods and techniques to monitor changes in the Barbadian environment.
However, this data base would have to be widened to include both colour and
colour infra-red if maximum benefit were to be derived from remote sensing.
The authors wish to thank the University of West Indies for funding this
project; the University of Aston in Birmingham for providing research
facilities; the Survey Department, Barbados, and the Directorate of Overseas
Surveys, U.K., for allowing them the use of aerial photography of Barbados.
And Dr. Patrick Cotter for taking the oblique colour photography.
Barbados Physical Development Plan.(1970) Barbados Government Printing Office,
Bridgetown, Barbados.
Benton,A.R.,Jr.,Snell,W.W and Clark,C.A, (1978). Seasonal Aerial Photography
Mapping of Galveston Island in Proc.,Sym. on Technical, Environmental,
Socioeconomic and Regulatory Aspects of Coastal Zone Management, ppl205 -
Diez,R.S, (1947). Aerial Photographs In The Geological Study Of Shore Features
and Processes in Photogramm. Eng. 13(4);pp 537-545
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