Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

Academy of Sciences 
Profsoyuznya 101-244 
Moscow 117279 
Mathematical description of relations between soil features (humus 
content, soil moisture and salinity) and optical indicators in ana- 
lytical forms is realised for quantitative interpretation of aerial 
and space images. The equation of relation between spectral reflec- 
tance within 0.6-0.7 mm and humus content (h) is approximated with 
exponent function:p(h)spo*(90,-p, )exp(-kh), where P,-reflectance of 
parent subsoil without humus, p,-reflectance of high-humus soil. 
The equation of relation between spectral reflectance at the same 
spectral band and soil moisture (wo) is approximated with the sum 
functions - SXpOAeEt of terminal order and power ones: p(w, )=0 + 
+(P =p, ) exp(-ew, )+dw, , where P,-reflectance of dry soil, p,-reflec- 
tance of wet soil. Using this technology we derive a full transfer 
function from optical data on aerial and space images (D) throughout 
gpectral reflectance of soil surface (p) to humus content and moistu- 
re (hb ,w ) with gradations 1-2% and 2-4%, respectively. 
(See:B.V.Vinogradov'Space Methods in Natural Resources Studies" ,Mos- 
cow, Edition House"Mys1",1976,296p.; Remote Sensing Functions for 
Interpretation of Humidity from Aerial and Space Images.-Trudy Gosu- 
darstvennogo Gidrologitcheskogo Insitituta,Leningrad, y .285,1980, 
pp.13-24; Remote Sensing of Humus Content in Soils.-Potchvovedenie, 
Moscow, N 11,pp.114-123). 
ai: MO d on QA QUEM m o oni pn M ee ee S 

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