Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

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Austin R.W., 1980. Gulf of Mexico, Ocean color surface truth measurements, 
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Caraux D., Austin R. W., Mesoscale cyclonic eddy in Northwestern Mediterranean as 
revealed by remote sensing of chlorophyll distribution, Oceanol. Acta, sub- 
mitted to publication. 
Gascard J. C., 1978. Mediterranean deep water formation baroclinic instability and 
oceanic eddies, Oceanol. Acta, 1, 3, 315-330. 
Gordon H. R., Clark D. K., 1980. Atmospheric effects in the remote sensing of phy- 
toplankton pigments, Bound. lay. meteor., 18, 299-313. 
Gordon et al., 1980. Phytoplankton pigments from the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color 
Scanner: Comparisons with surface measurements, Science, 210, 63-66. 
Hdjerslev N. K., 1980. Water color and its relation to primary production, Bound. 
Lay. Météor., 18, 203-220. 
Hovis W. A. et al., 1980. Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner: system description 
and initial imagery, Séienée, 210, 60-63. 
Medoc Group, 1970. Observation of formation of deep water in the Mediterranean 
Sea 1969, Nature, 227, 5262, 1037-1040. 
Millot C., 1979. Wind induced upwelling in the Gulf of Lions, 0ceanol. Acta, 2, 3, 
Morel A., Prieur L., 1978. Mesures par télédétection de la teneur de la mer en 
chlorophylle, Journées d'études XNES-CNEXO, Brest Fév. 1978, 5, 26pp. 
Quentzel H., Kaestner M., 1980. Optical properties of the atmosphere: calculated 
variability and application to satellite remote sensing of phytoplankton. 
Appi. Optios, 19, 8, 1338-1344. 
Seung Y. H., 1980. Low-frequency vertical motions in the Medoc area of deep water 
formation, Oceanol. Acta, 3, 4, 441-447. 
Smith R. e Wilson W. H., 1981. Ship and satellite bio-optical research in the 
California bight, in Oceanography from Space, 
Sturm B., 1981. Ocean color remote sensing and quantitative retrieval of surface 
chlorophyll in coastal waters using Nimbus-7, in Oceanography from Space, 
edited by J. F. Gower, Plenum Publish. Corp., 267-279. 
Yentsch C. S., 1960. The influence of phytoplankton pigments on the color of sea 
water, Deep-Sea Research, 7, 1-9. 

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