Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

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The atmospheric correction program finds the value of the true 
temperature for a given indicated temperature and zenith angle by iterative 
calculation with different target temperatures until the equation is balanced 
to a specified residual error. Program output is an array of indicated vs. 
corrected temperatures for zenith angles of O to 50 degrees. 
Magnitude of the Atmospheric Correction 
The magnitude of the atmospheric correction depends mainly on three 
factors: 1) the overall humidity of the atmosphere, 2) the temperature of the 
moistest layers of the atmosphere, and 3) the temperature difference, or 
contrast between the surface target and the moistest layers of the atmosphere. 
Atmospheric humidity and temperature are highly variable parameters and 
consequently the magnitude of the atmospheric correction also has a 
considerable range. 
Atmospheric corrections for 102 SRT temperature analyses of the Great 
Lakes in 1981 have been examined, in order to ascertain their magnitude and 
range over a one year period. The average correction for all analyses taken 
together was +1.5 , with a standard deviation of 1.3- The positive average 
correction conforms with the fact that on a yearly average the atmosphere as a 
whole is colder than the water surfaces. The largest positive corrections 
occur in late summer and in the fall when surface water temperature is high, 
but the atmosphere can occasionally be quite cold. Negative corrections can 
occur in the spring and in early summer, at times when very warm and humic air 
masses overlie cold water surfaces. 
As can be seen in Table 1, the magnitude of the correction increases from 
1.2 at the low end of the indicated temperature range, to 3:59 at the high 
end. The change in the correction, AC - vs, is due to the change in surface 
versus air temperature difference over the range of indicated temperatures. In 
the set of 102 Great Lakes temperature analyses in 1981, the largest AC was 
5.906, in a case where the correction was -1.2° for_an indicated temperature of 
7.2° and +4.7° for an indicated temperature of 19.1 . The average ^C for all 
analvses was 1.89 with a standard deviation of 1.4 . 
A method has been developed for operational retrieval of surface water 
temperatures from l'OAA satellite channel 4 data. The method has a demonstrated 
capability to provide temperatures with operationally acceptable accuracy under 
various atmospheric conditions. Application of the method is limited to inland 
water bodies and coastal zones where radiosonde data are regularly available. 
Fortuna, J.J. and L.N. Hambrick, 1974. The operation of the NOAA polar 
satellite system. NOAA Techn. Memo., NESS 60, Washington, D.C., 127 pp. 
Irbe, J.G. 1972. An operational program for measuring surface water 
temperature by airborne radiation thermometer (ART) survey. Proc. lst 
Cndn. Symp. Remote Sensing, 183-200, Feb. 1972, Ottawa, Ontario. 
Irbe, J.G., R.K. Cross, and A. Saulesleja, 1981. Remote sensing of surface 
water temperature on the Great Lakes and off the Canadian Atlantic coast. 
NAFO SCR Doc. 81/IX/112, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 
Scientific Council Studies, in press, 1982. 

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