Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

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Hydraulic model tests were practiced in order to supply the under sea 
information required in the interpretation of the remote sensing imageries. 
Based on the coherent structure theory, each of the small scale tidal vortices 
can be modellized into a vertical vortex tube, the ends of which terminate at 
the sea surface and at the sea bottom. The equipment of the model test is 
presented in Fig. 12. In a test basin of 0.6 meter width and 25 meter length, 
a uniform flow with the free water surface was generated. The velocity of the 
flow was 0.7 m/sec. The vertical vortex tube was produced as follows. A plate 
of 0.3 meter width was put suddenly into the uniform flow keeping one edge of it 
touched at right angle to the side wall of the test basin. It was kept in the 
uniform flow untill a vortex tube with a certain strength is formed at the other 
edge of the plate. Then it was drawn out suddenly, and a vertical vortex tube 
started into the uniform flow. The most distinguished hydrodynamic phenomenon 
was the strong upwelling flow induced around the vortex tube. The vortex tube 
was visualized by blue dye which was put into the water surface at the spot of 
the vortex tube. Red dye was put on the bottom surface in the course of the 
vortex path before the vortex tube was made, in order to visualize the upwelling 
flow. Both side view and the overhead view reflected by a mirror set above the 
test basin were photographed every one second by a camera. Fig. 13 is an exam- 
ple of the succesive pictures of the front of the upwelling flow, which was 
mapped from a series of the photos. The upward volume flux induced by the 
vortex tube was estimated from such figures. 
Observation by the boats in the field suggested that the distinguished 
upwelling flow is caused at the spots of the small scale tidal vortices. The 
magnitude of the upward volume flux was estimated based on the hydraulic model 
tests. With the assumption of the Froude's similitude, the upward volume flux 
due to the single tidal vortex was estimated to be about 300 cubic meter per 
second. Therefore, about a dozen of the tidal vortices were expected to cause 
the total upwelling volume flux of about 3,000 cubic meter per second, which was 
expected under the tidal current condition of Fig. 5. Such a direct mass trans- 
port from the sea bottom to the sea surface are expected to be playing an impor- 
tant role in the sea water mixing in the strait sea area. 
Hydraulic model tests using a scaled model of the Naruto Strait were 
also performed in order to observe the motion of the large scale vortex-pair 
throughout the full tidal cycle. The tidal current was produced in the scaled 
model set in the test basin shown in Fig. 14 equipped with a pair of plungers 
moving vertically in opposite direction to one another. The sea bottom configu- 
ration of the strait was scaled down with a horizontal and vertical scaling 
ratio of 1/20,000 and 1/1,667, respectively, under the law of Froude’s simili- 
tude. Effective tidal exchange was observed to be caused by the large scale 
tidal vortex-pair, because of its self-induced motion into the wide sea area 
where it has been formed. Tidal exchange ratio at the Naruto Strait was estima- 
ted to be about 60% when the vortex-pair is effectively produced after the amal- 
gamation of the small scale tidal vortices. 
This research has been conducted since the spring of 1976. Financial 
supports were provided by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture under 
the Grant in Aid for Scientific Research and by the Honshu Shikoku Bridge 
(1) Davies P.0.A.L. and A.J. Yule : Coherent structure in Turbulence, Jounal 
of Fluid Mechanics, Vol1.69, part 3, pp.513 - 537. 1975. 
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