d series. The spectral image curves, reflecting the change of the
inanes objects image density from one Spectral band to another and
or a structured from a zonal image series, assist in discriminating
mace, forests of different species composition and with different
is taxation characteristics. Owing to this it has become possible to
dep ef show more than 20 types of forest vegetation in the forest map of
: Central Yakutia.
ap The use of the spectral image has permitted successful
6 interpretation of various soil types within the complex of
I the activities to map landscapes and work out measures concerning the
rational management of nature, which were put into effect in the
case of the central part of GDR in the area of LAKE ZUCER-ZEE.
emo In mapping the vegetation and landscapes of arid
hy data territories another advantage of multiband photography - the
iol , representation of different landscape types in images of diffe-
3, rent spectral bands - is benefitted from, Thus, the blue band
on iq images prove to be optimal for interpreting the halophyte
karst vegetation and the corresponding iandscapes, since it is in this
; band that salinized territories are identified and differentiated
at their best. The near infrared band images shouldbetter be
employed to interpret hydromorphic landscapes and moisture-loving
STET vegetation, because swampiness, overmoist territories are better
in seen in these images.
the A different technique is feasible when mapping the land-
als scapes of mountain-taiga territories. Since here, the basic grid
lai of landscape outlines of a high taxonomic level is determined by
in the large features of tectonics and relief structure, and their
detailing, by the structure of the soil-vegetation cover, it is
feasible, in this case, to use, at the first stage of mapping,
Lon: 15 the near infrared band images, where large tectonic structures are
DS. On seen at their best, and, then, pass on to the visible band images
of a. for detailing the landscape outlines grid in the result of soil-
ene vegetation cover interpretation.
The case of South-eastern Kazakhstan shows the applicational
en the Scope of space images for the physical-geographical subdivision
à of of a territory. Here, a possibility of the passage, for purposes
of the of physical-geographical subdivision, to the analysis of land-
scape structures from space images instead of the previously
adopted way of the territory's component physical-geographical
rologi- : i
loom analysis, has been illustrated.
L's Apart from the studies of natural resources the Atlas also
3 presents some trends of social-economic studies = the mapping of
jloyed land use and systems of populated places, as well as the study of
n man's impact upon the natural environment in the case of mapping
b. over contemporary landscapes with their anthropogenic modifications.
These studies have been conducted in different areas of Central
3 Asia.
es. The agricultural mapping is illustrated by making maps of
land use and basic crops for the areas of Ferganskaya valley and
Ly Golodnaya steppe; to produce such maps the techniques of visual,
iO instrumental (photometric) and automatized image interpretation
ge using the spectral image of the various crops have been developed.
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