The objects! spectral image has turned out to be the chief
interpretation feature, too, when Working on maps of land use in
GDR's northern part, which has also enables Successful applica-
tion of interpretation automatized technique to compile maps of
this type 9
Original in terms of their Subjects are the maps of
populated places and settlement pattern, for the study of which
Space photography provides very interesting data, as the images
reflect indirectly the productional-functional types of populated
places (though representing the surrounding landscape and
reflecting interrelationships between populated places, expressed
in the image brightness of roads and motorways.
The atlas also provides maps with conservation themes.
Thus, the Golodnaya steppe is dealt with in the map of contempo-
rary landscapes, reflecting the degree of anthropogenic impact
upon nature, Unfavourable processes, which are becoming active
consequent upon irrational economic activity, have been described,
In the case of the lake Zucer-Zee area in the central part
of GDR an attempt has been made to produce recommendations as to
nature protection in the special section of the landscape map
For the Pamiro-Alay area a special map of anthropogenic
impact upon nature and its protection is compiled, which reflects
the types of landscape anthropogenic modifications, the degree of
anthropogenic impact and the major kinds of the recommended
conservation measures.
So, the atlas materials contain original techniques of
dealing with multiband images, when using them in verious
branches of the thematic mapping of nature and economy, therefore,
the atlas can be utilized quite a lot.
The atlas can serve as a scientific-methodical guide-book
onmultiband image interpretation for the Specialists engaged in
the studies of natural resources by remote-sensing; it can be
used on a wider scale - as a visual aid in space photography
application when compiling thematic maps — by cartograpers,
geologists, soil experts, experts in farming and forest manage-
ment, as well as those in conservation. There is no doubt it will
be put to a wide use in universities. Students will be able to
use it when studying the theory and practice of aerial and space
methods to master skills Working with space images, when
developing and compiling maps and in the studies of natural
The basic work in the production of the atlas has been
carried out by the Moscow university Geographical faculty, the
Institute of Space Research, USSR Academy of Sciences and the
Central Institute of the Earth Physics, GDR Academy of Sciences,
A number of other institutions have also participated in its
preparation, while the big group of authors amounts to 50
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