Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

1. Introduction 
The use of land parcels for registration purposes is basic, necessary and of 
fundamental importance in the process of the original compilation and continu- 
ous updating of a town map. The compilation and updating of this map is done 
(or must be done) using remote sensing methodologies and techniques. The ana- 
lysis of air photographs and other remote sensing images, permits the provision, 
in a short time and with low cost, of reliable and integrated information which 
registers the existing conditions and the diachronic monitoring of land use 
On Tee contrary, failure to use reliable maps of appropriate scale and air pho- 
tographs, may lead programmers in making decisions on the base of their perso- 
nal experience.The integrated usage of information from: 
- air photographs and satellite images 
- multipurpose Cadastre 
- various public services 
permits the analytical examination of the town characteristics from the point 
of view of: 
- their spatial articulation (diarthrosis) 
- their diachronic change and evolution 
- studying their quantitative and qualitative magnitudes. 
A small scale map defines the position of a city within its greater area. The 
comparison between older maps or air photographs characterizes the history of 
the city and its functions through time. A second map of a middle scale is ne- 
cessary for studying the city and its immediate environment. At last, a topo- 
graphic map of great scale will constitute the cartographic basis of the town 
In the following, we will try to show the possibility of using panchromatic air 
photographs in diachronic monitoring of land use changes. 
2. Diachronic Monitoring of Land Use Changes 
2.1. Area of Study 
We chose this specific area because: 
i) the greater Athens area shows 
GROWTH OF THE GREATER ATHENS AREA* the most disproportioned urban 
CENSUS POPULATION POPULATION PERCE- "development"of all other urban 
YEAR OF GREECE OF ATHENS NTAGE centres of the country. 
1920 5.016.889 100.000 1,99 ii) the area of study has specific 
1940 7.344.860 800.000 10,89 characteristics in relation with 
1951 7.646.402 1.378.586 18,03 its evolution,and consequently it 
1961 8.398.050 1.852.709 22,06 is interesting to study the diac- 
1971 8.831.036 2.540.241 28,76 hronic changes of its land use. 
1981.,39,740.151..:3.027.331 31,08 iii) the necessary air photographs 
* Source:"Statistical Yearbook of, Greece" and maps were comparatively easier 
| to find. 
/ The area lies between the bounda- 
ries of the Municipalities of A- 
thens and Peristeri, extends pa- 
rallel to the north bank of the 
Kifissos river and consists of two 
parts on both sides of Lenorman 
One basic characteristic of this 
area is that its 220.000 sq. metres 
have been included in the town 
plan in 1938, while the rest part 
(642.000 sq. metres) has been in- 
cluded in the town plan during the 
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