Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

' where Q (1) is the Euclidean distance of the vektor cli), 
If there is divergence, then iterations are cut off, but not before an in- 
put number of iterations has been carried out. This condition is allowed in or- 
der to avoid a premature cut-off, because for certain data types, convergence 
begins only after a few iterations. 
2.3 Classifying the Pixels 
The decision function for the separation of the classes 0! and 07 may be 
written as follows 
fj, (9) 6g 3 (5.15; 
For the pixel g about to be classified, the decision value (2.13) may be compu- 
ted for each of the 1 (see eqn. (2.3)) hyperplanes. This pixel is then assigned 
to class Ol if the decision values 
F1,2(9)s ooo F, (9) are > 0. (2.14a) 
It is however assigned to class q if the decision values 
Fas(q+1)(9) » aus Fa,k(9) are > 0 (2.14b) 
and also 
fa» cu Frq-1) 499) are < 0. (2.14c) 
2.4 Computer Program Optimization In th 
The foregoing describes the core of the algorithm as found in the computer grey ' 
program DIMIC - SH (DIgital Multispectral Image Classification - Separating 
Hyperplanes). (See Ekenobi 1981). For best classification results, three opti- | 
mization measures are incorporated: 
The ni 
(1) Choice of degree of polynomials, 
(2) Choice of width of dead zone, and 
(3) Data preprocessing. 
2.4.1 Choice of Degree of Polynomials n = 4 
Fig. 3 shows that not all data are classifiable by polynomials of first 24:2 
degree. It shows also that the spectral means of the two classes are not far 
from each other, and this is the criterion on which the decision to use second | 
order polynomials is based. The concept of "spectral interval" is used to judge hyper| 
nearness of means of any two classes, where this interval may be defined as the pixel: 
difference between the Euclidean Norms of the mean vectors of the two classes. if the 
the ui 
The program DIMIC - SH adopts the second order polynomials for all hyper- 
planes in the classification if the spectral interval between any two classes | 
is smaller than 20. This limiting value has been found good for Landsat data. dead : 
The decision to use second order polynomials means a decision to use a larger 
number of coefficients and also a transformation of all data. Hh 
A second order polynomial may be developed out of the first order one of un 
eqn. (2.2) as follows: ina 5 

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