territoriales de pays peu connues et inaccessibles.
Cette méthodologie, expérimenté sur un territoire du Borneo
occidental (Hindonésie), il est fondée essentiellement sur la
photointerprétation, qui donne la possibilité de executer trois
cartographies thématiques (carte hydrographique, carte geomorpho-
logique, carte de l'utilisation du sol) et de réaliser quelques
coupes altimétriques.
La corrélation de différentes informations territoriales
avec les levés du campagne permit de réaliser la Carte des Unités
du Paysage nécessaire par la construction des cartographies utiles
aux programmes urbains et agricoles.
Preliminary remarks
The necessity to carry out topographic and thematic-carto-
graphical surveys about little-known and little-explored zones of
' some islands of the Indonesian Archipelago required the prepara-
tion of a work-methodology, of untraditional type but, in the
meantime, suitable to reach wanted results, and based fundamental
ly on the air photographs interpretation.
This works developped in the context of the "Project trasmi
grasi" which the Indonesian Government and the World Bank have
entrusted to experts of different countries. This project has been
divided into advancement phases and operation zones and mainly
consists in the location, over vast expanses of territory, of
zones of at least 5000 hectares suitable, both from urban and agri
cultural viewpoints, to be eventually inhabited by at least
200/250 families.
Said zones must consequently answer to certain characteri-
stics, such as: almost level morphology, no risk of overflows,
lack of high-quality forests, lack of little-deep or toxic grounds,
and so on.
The difficulty of execution of said survey was clear from
the beginning, both for the almost total lack of a base cartogra-
phical documentation and for the extreme arduousness to reach
certain zones unless expansive penetration tracks would have been
prepared. °
Only an air view with photograms, scale 1:20000 approx., and
a deriving unchecked mosaic were available; the references to
ground measures were very scanty (inexistent is in fact a trigono-
metric net), and often of uncertain interpretation; both owing to
the lack of datum points and of monographies attesting the works
In such conditions it was necessary to plan a work-methodo-
logy able to supply a series of fit thematic documents suitable to
reduce to a minimum the surveys and the campaign stays and to com-