Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

At some point we professionals in the field must "take the bull by the 
horns" to develop practical remote sensing techniques and train the land manager 
to make them operational. Some of us will attempt to promote practical methods 
at a meeting in Seattle, Washington May 22-28, 1983. The meeting will be 
sponsored by the Renewable Natural Resources Foundation (RNRF) of America and 
the American Society of Photogrammetry and entitled the "RNRF Symposium - The 
Application of Remote Sensing to Resource Management." The symposium will 
also be under the auspices of Working Groups 4 and ll, Commission VII of this 
society, with the blessing and planned attendance of our President Louis Laidet. 
.Presentations of the practical applications of remote sensing will be accom- 
plished through tutorial and poster sessions. Dynamic speakers with a good 
practical remote sensing application are now being sought for the tutorials 
and a call for poster session presenters is being circulated at this time. 
If any participants at this symposium have ideas for such a symposium, please 
contact me. 
But for now and in the immediate future I urge you to consider where we 
are in the status and use of remote sensing for natural resources. At meetings 
like this we communicate and inform fairly effectively with other scientists 
and educators, but what have we done to promote the effective use of remote 
sensing to get a job done? There is already a wealth of written material 
available to us now. Pause and read the results of previous symposiums spon- 
sored by this commission and its working groups; for example, the Toulouse 
Conference of 1964 (UNESCO, 1968), the International Symposium on Remote 
Sensing for Observation and Inventory of Earth Resources and the Endangered 
Environment held in Freiburg, West Germany in 1978 (Hildebrandt and Boehnel, 
1978), and the Symposium of Remote Sensing for Natural Resources held in 
Moscow, Idaho in 1979 (Heller et al., 1980). Also read such comprehensive 
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