Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

se volca- 
and satel- 
e of acti- 
ystems of 
faults. A 
ion is its 
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ave a dia- 
a wealth 
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iary auto- 
this zone. 
lly calmed 
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ed as "high 
e zone of 
rmation of 
There are numerous and varied mineral deposits in the zone of 
Tertiary autonomous activation. Interesting occurrences of tin 
and niobic tantalum are the only ones genetically linked with the 
granites (Cer, Bukulja). All the other endogenous deposits are para- 
genetically linked with the volcanic-intrusive complexes of grano- 
dioritic magma. The magnetite deposits (Suva ruda type) magnetite 
and hematite (Damyan type) - belong to typical metasomatic scarns. 
The copper deposits are either porphyric (Bucim) or vein-impregna- 
tion (Zlatica ' Plavica). The molybdenum deposits are stockwork im- 
pregnated (Mackatica). The lead and zinc deposits are of Scarn type 
(Rudnik), hydrothermal-metasomatic (Trepca) or vein type (Srebrenica, 
Zletovo). The antimony .deposits are usually monomineral (Zajaca) 
but there are also transitions to lead-antimony, arsenic-antimony 
deposits. Deposits of, chrysotile-asbestos (Korlaca) and serpenti- 
nized breccia (Rujiste) were formed by the activity of Tertiary 
hydrotherms in serpentinite. Some magnesite deposits (Bela stena), 
formed in Neogene lacustrine basins, are typical products of the 
volcanic-sedimentary processes. The many coal deposits (partly me- 
tamorphized) and other deposits 5f clay, cement marls and building 
materials are also linked with the Neogene basins. 
The autonomous activation zone is also characterized by numerous 
mineral and thermal waters, intensive neo-tectonic and recent mo- 
. vements and considerable seismic activity. 
Logical metallogenic analysis was made possible for the first time 
by the distinguishing of the megastructures in the Tertiary auto- 
nomous activation zone. Thus the megastructures correspond to the 
ore districts and coincide.with the centres of magmatic activity, 
while the distribution of mineral deposits in them is found to be 
distinctly laterally zoned. The lesser ringlike structures correspond 
to the structure of the ore fields or mineral deposits. 
The zone of autonomous Cenozoic tectonic-magmatic activation is 
most probably planetary in character. It begins in the Alps, diago- 
nally cuts across the whole of Yugoslav territory, continues into 
Greece and Bulgaria, crosses into Turkey and carries on far into the 
Middle East and Asia. 

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