Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

Analysis o 
In almost inlet such as Seto Inland Sea, Osaka bay, Ise bay and Tokyo bay 
located in southern coast of Japan, the water quality has became seriously bad Since 
and we experienced so many occurrence of red tide in recent year. As shown in geomet nic 
Fig. 1, red tide, named after its apparent reddish color, is caused by unusually processed 
aboundant generation of plankton which is often caused by nutrification of water conpect ion 
in coastal areas and it causes a shortage of oxgen in the water. |t often The 9 
suffocates fish thus resulting in a great damage to fishing industry in case of actual cor 
severe red tide. following 
So, the monitoring of water quality especially in warm season is considered 
as very important for fishing industry and marine environmental administration. 
Depend on the author's experience, the occurrence of red tide in coastal 
areas in Japan is concentrated when Kuroshio current is meandered in great scale Where 
influenced by cold water mass(upwelling) located in off southern coast of Honshu, 
main island of Japan. As shown in Fig. 2 and 3, the flow pattern of Kuroshio 
current is recognized as two. In case of normal condition, the flow direction 
of Kuroshio current toward NE along the southern coast of Honshu and the oceanic 
water influenced by Kuroshio current affects the environmental condition in 
coastal areas. Namely, the branch current of Kuroshio current forms its flow Af 
J} food on toward the mouth of inlet and the oceanic water can be entered to inlet iho Ni bia 
easily. ; 
When the flow pattern of Kuroshio current shows meandered pattern in great with sever 
scale, the flow direction of Kuroshio current is very complexity and it affects The t 
the flow direction of branch current in some coastal areas such as Kii-suido the intern 
(entrance of Seto Inland Sea) and lrago-suido(entrance of Ise bay). The flow of the the 
direction of branch current of Kuroshio current in these areas toward west in following 
this case and the oceanic water can not be entered to inlet and it causes the 
reduce of water quality in inlet. 
From this point of view, the estimation of water characteristics due to the 
synchronuous observation data of Landsat and NOAA is recognized as effective. Where 
The flow diagram of data processing is shown in Fig. h. The input data of G and 
Landsat-MSS were used the geometrically and radiometrically corrected data(Ref.6) 
by Earth Observation Center of National Space Development Agency of Japan. The 
input data of NOAA-AVHRR were used the original data of High Resolution Picture 
Transmmition(HRPT) received by Meteorological Satellite Center of Japan Where, 
Meteorological Agency located in Kiyose northern part of Tokyo. 
Analysis of Landsat-MSS data 
The extraction of the information on the quality of sea water from Landsat- 
MSS data is usually based on the detection of upwelling back-scattered radiance 
within the water in the spectral band of Band 4(0.5-0.6 um). Because of low b Tue t 
energy of back-scattered radiance over the sea, the Band 4 data over the sea are. E Rer ve y» 
highly influenced by the effect of atmospheric scattering (path radiance). > , 
Therefore, elimination of the atmospheric effect is essential. The pre- 
liminary noise reductionis done by a moving average window of 3 x 3 size, which 
also reduce the scan-line noise, then Onitsuka's emplilical equations(Ref.7) are 
applied to eliminate atmospheric effect as follows, 
Lch - Lh - Lph,  Lph - 0.565 Lp7 DL = L7 (13 Where 
Where, Lch is the corrected radiance value of Band h, Lph and Lp7 are the $ 
path radiance values of Band 4 and Band 7, while L4 and L7 are the calibrated v 
radiance values of Band 4 and Band 7 in Landsat-MSS CCT respectively. 
The above correction is carried out for each pixel of MSS data over the The f 
| sea and finally the corrected data are color-sliced into several radiance surface ter 
levels. isotherms : 
for isothei 
as an outpt

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