Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

ne voit pas tout sous le même angle. 
Je vous souhaite donc la bienvenue, je vous engage à bien travailler mais 
aussi à ne pas manquer les visites qui vous sont offertes : les visites de 
notre cité rose, nous sommes un peu chauvin car nous l'aimons bien. 
Président de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection 
(ISPRS) ; 
Monsieur le Président de la Commission VII, Louis LAIDET, 
Monsieur le Maire-Adjoint de la Ville de Toulouse, M. GIRARDEAU, 
Monsieur le Président d'Honneur de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie 
-et Télédétection, Jean CRUSET, 
Mesdames et Messieurs, 
I hope these are the last words I will have to speak in French. 
It is my great pleasure to bring you greetings from the Council of the Society. 
I think it is most appropriate that we meet here in Toulouse which is the 
center of the aerospace industry in France. 
The International Society for Photogrammetry was founded in 1910. There are 
now 66 member organizations from countries around the world and several new 
applications are pending. The Society meets at its international Congress in 
the Olympic years - the last Congress was held in 1980 in Hamburg in the 
Federal Republic of Germany. At that Congress a very important step was taken : 
the name of the organization was changed to the International Society for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. The work of the Society is conducted by its 
Technical Commissions of which there are seven. Commission I, data acquisition, 
has been assigned to Australia and they held their symposium in Canberra in 
April of this year. Commission II, instrumentation, is assigned to Canada and 
that symposium was held two weeks ago in Ottawa. Commission III, mathematical 
analysis, is assigned to Finland and their symposium was held in Helsinki in 
June. Commission IV, cartographic and data base applications of photogrammetry 
and remote sensing, is assigned to the United States and their symposium was 
held in Washington in August. Commission V, non-topographic applications, is 
assigned to the United’ Kingdom, and the symposium was held in York last week. 
Commission VI, education and professional activities, is assigned to the 
Federal Republic of Germany and that symposium will be held in Mainz next week. 
‘And we are here, of course, for the symposium of Commission VII, interpretation 
of data, assigned to France. Commission VII is probably the largest of the 
Commissions, creates the most interest, and it is our great pleasure to be here 
in Toulouse for this event. 
The interests of very few photogrammetrists are confined to the topics of just 
one or two of the Commissions an for that reason, of course, we have the 
Congress. The next Congress will be held in Rio de Janeiro, June 17 to 29, 1984. 
The first announcement of that Congress has been distributed, and I hope you 
are making plans to attend. 
According to the Statutes and Bylaws of the Society a principal responsibility 
of the President is to provide guidance and encouragement to the activities 
of the Technical Commissions. So far as Commission VII is concerned it has 
required very little effort on my part. Your President Louis LAIDET and his 
committee have done a superb job of organizing the technical sessions and an 
excellent exhibit which will give you ample opportunity to broaden your 
technical and scientific horizons during the week. 
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